Saturday, October 19, 2019

Top Dems undermine America as dupes of Putin

Clinton, Pelosi assets of Russia
as they weaken the nation with
their impeachment assault

Image result for nancy pelosiImage result for hillary clinton
Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton take wrecking ball to nation

What is it that gives Vladimir Putin a great deal of satisfaction, according to U.S. intelligence bosses? To see America weakened by polarizing political fights. The busier we are with such trivia, the more the country's leadership -- in particular the President -- is hamstrung from effectively countering Russian maneuvers on the global chessboard.

By putting so much emphasis on their desire to see President Trump impeached, the two women are falling right into Putin's trap. This is especially ironical for Clinton, who has been trying to jostle Tulsi Gabbard, who is a bonafide Democratic candidate, out of her way, terming Gabbard a "Russian asset," as Clinton waits in the wings ready to dash on stage as the "savior" of the Democratic Party.

The fact that Pelosi could not muster enough votes for a genuine impeachment inquiry also plays into Putin's hands. Pelosi and the Democrats are providing a media circus that is doing America little good. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, hopes to limit the damage by having a Senate trial completed before the Christmas holidays. But it seems likely that Pelosi will put off a Democratic party-line vote of impeachment until well into next year's election season, hoping to damage Trump and the Republicans before they have a good chance to recover as election day draws near.

All the better for Vlad and his ex-KGB cronies.

Trump critics blast Clinton's 'Russian asset' attacks

Vlad doubtless agrees with Andrew McCarthy, who argues that American liberty is under fire.

McCarthy's The Trivialization of Impeachment appears in National Review:

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