Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Fox stifles Paul's Senate question

Fox News ran a story about Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., reading the question aloud in the Senate that the chief justice had refused to read aloud -- without ever mentioning the names of the two government officials spotlighted by Paul.

Fox did not explain its decision to go along with the taboo on the names that began when Adam Schiff, the House intelligence panel chairman, changed his mind on having the CIA analyst testify.

A comment at the bottom of the Fox story did contain the name of Eric Chiaramella, who has been identified as the probable "whistleblower" whose complaint launched the impeachment proceedings. Paul wanted to know whether Chiamarella and a friend on Schiff's staff, Sean Misko, had conspired while both were on the National Security Council to have President Trump removed from office. A report by RealClearInvestigations quotes a number of their associates as saying that they had spoken of such a maneuver.

Fox headline: Rand Paul on Senate floor reads impeachment trial question that Roberts refused

While Fox has played the role of pro-Trump advocate, the media firm's refusal to publish two names that were spoken on the floor of the Senate is nothing short of bizarre. It's reporters and commentators bash "the Deep State" all day long. Yet, is not "Deep State" stamped all over what is evidently a secret media agreement to black out newsworthy names?

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