Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Chemist cautions on malaria drug data

Blogger skeptical on hydroxychloroquine

Oz knocks some nay-sayers
The notion that all information on HQL's impact on Covid is "anecdotal" is false, said Mehmet C. Öz, a cardiothoracic surgeon at New York's Columbia Presbyterian Hospital and a Columbia University professor, Oz agreed that better studies need to be done, but that doesn't make data from the studies so far "anecdotal." He cited a French study in which results looked promising that appeared not to coincide with the small French study cited by the chemist-blogger Derek Lowe (above).

Oz, a television personality, also argued on air that doctors who use hydroxychloroquine for lupus and arthritis patients have found it very safe. The alarms being raised should be checked against the experience of doctors who prescribe it routinely, he said.

Chloroquine's side effects on heart patients were a reason it was replaced in large measure by hydroxychloroquine. In any case, it is quite possible that some patients who are most in danger are the very ones who could have heart failure from the drug.

Ordinarily, doctors are expected to know a drug's possible adverse effects and take them into account. Yet many in the media have been acting as though doctors cannot be relied upon to do this.

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