Friday, April 10, 2020

My curbstone opinion:
Malaria drug study looks like a letdown

A French study on hydroxychloroquine is being followed by Dr. Mehmet Oz, the television personality and cardiologist based at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City.

The study is considered non-scientific because the French physicians regard it as unethical to randomly withhold the treatment from Covid patients.

What I notice is that, though not many patients went to the ICU, of those who did, it appears that 50 percent died. The death rate based on patients in the study stands at less than one-half of one percent. Somewhat less than one percent of patients either died or required 10 or more days in hospital. These figures seem to roughly accord with what is in general known about Covid numbers, possibly implying that the drug is no better than others that are being used elsewhere.

In a related matter, Oz told viewers that the study was useful because it correlates certain blood pressure medicines with heightened risk of a serious case of Covid. The medicines help the virus gain entry into human cells, he said.

From Oz's website:
UPDATED: April 10, 2020 - 10:00 a.m. EST — Preliminary results are in from Dr. Didier Raoult's continued study of treating Covid-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. This study was performed on 1,061 patients that were treated early on in their diagnosis.
¶ 92% of patients had excellent outcomes.
¶ 4% of patients had a persistent virus past 10 days.
¶ 4% of patients had a poor outcome. This was defined as being in the hospital for more than 10 days.
¶ 10 patients total had to go to the ICU for care.
¶ 5 patients total died.
Dr. Raoult's Takeaways:
¶ Found this treatment to be safe with no side effects.
¶ Found the amount of hydroxychloroquine in a patient's blood correlated with his or her outcome. Therefore, people may absorb the medication differently.
¶ Found some blood pressure medication correlated with poor outcomes. More investigation needs to be done.
¶ While there is no control study for comparison, these initial results seem promising so far.
¶ The NIH is about to start a trial with 500 people.
Read the study documents here:
Oz's site adds a
Disclaimer: This medication regimen is still being studied. Do not take these medications without the guidance of a doctor.

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