Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Welfare for biz bigs could KO Trump, Pelosi

The trillion-dollar-plus stimulus plans OKd by Trump, Pelosi and McConnell could knock all three of them out of office.

Why? Because the law was so badly written that it provides free money to major businesses that don't need it. Major businesses on learning that grants -- not low-interest loans -- could be scooped up fast, no questions asked, siphoned off all the money that was meant for the mom-and-pop businesses across America. That's why they had to pass a second $480 billion handout law.

The GOP leader of the Senate, the Democrat leader of the House and the President are all up for re-election in November. Can you imagine the campaign ads aired by their opponents? This may prove a bipartisan massacre. If you voted for the bill Trump signed to give billions of free dollars away to businesses that didn';t need it, you face a good chance of being dumped.

Of course, the media and social controls are in danger of becoming so extreme that no public discusson is permitted of this hysteria-driven plundering of the taxpayer.

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