Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Paul Conant's current blogs

Jesus Christ's Miracle Cure Book

The Invisible Man XaX

New Zion Call
Theological notes and old posts

What is Jesus really saying in the Sermon on the Mount?
Detailed commentary

Deep State Fragments
Old articles on the Intel Establishment et al

Footnotes to Plato
Sundry philosophy articles

Ghost slips Ryle's grasp
An oft-updated version of this philosophy review

Life support
At present, only working notes on topic of abotion

MadMath Archive
A few old odds and ends of minor -- if that -- interest.
I've got to come up with a better blog name!

Route 66
Belles lettres. Prose poems. Poems. What Not.

Need to update this blog. Important.

Universal Copy Desk
A cranky editor's meanderings.
(BTW, many newsrooms used to have a U-shaped desk with copy readers around the rim and a slot person in the slot. U also meant "universal" when all, or nearly all, editorial copy had to pass through the hands of the denizens of the main copy desk for final massage and clearance.)

Θ theta Θ
A dual-use blog.
Many rather arcane philosophical notes serve as footnotes to the essay on Ryle, but can also be read as independent items.

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