Thursday, September 16, 2021

End the special relationship:
it's being used against liberty

The peoples of the United States and the United Kingdom must take a stance against the abusive diplomatic "special relationship" between the two countries.

It is being used as part of a major assault by America's Deep State and Britain's Establishment against the nemesis of those hoary conspiracies: Wikileaks and its founder, Julian Assange.

I will do my part. I am an American who was born American but who also was given British citizenship. That is, I had dual nationality.

No longer. I want it known that I repudiate any claim I might have on British citizenship. I don't care to retain that citizenship, despite the potential for technical benefits, such as a right to stay longer in the UK than a tourist.

To repeat:

I repudiate any claim on British citizenship. I adhere solely to my U.S. citizenship, God helping.

I wish that act to serve as a symbol of the necessity of ending the "special relationship," which has become a tool in the hands of security bureaucracies for the suppression of basic freedoms.

Obviously, this choice does not imply that my affection for the British people has diminished.

The U.S. Justice Department knows how to obtain convictions. One tactic is to force plea bargains. "If you don't agree to say something that incriminates you or someone else in court, we'll throw the book at you. If you dare to insist on your right to trial, we'll seek a heavy sentence."

And the book they can throw is hefty. It's almost impossible for the ordinary American to avoid committing some federal felony or other. The Deep State just has too much power. Should you decide to fight, U.S. prosecutors have taxpayer millions at their command. Most people don't have such resources. In addition, it is almost routine to impound funds you could use for your defense and, if you have a particularly effective defense counsel, to have him or her barred from your case.

I recall a short while ago a friend's brother being charged with a federal felony. His lawyer told him flatly. "This is the feds. You can't fight them. You have to take a plea."

No chance of a fair trial. The pressure is so overwhelming that quite a few innocent people end up admitting to guilt, experts say.

See Conviction Machine by defense lawyers Sidney Powell and Harvey Silvergate (Encounter Books 2020); Licensed to Lie by Sidney Powell (self-published 2014); and Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent by Harvey Silvergate with a Foreword by Alan Dershowitz (Encounter Books 2011).

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