Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Deep State mole?

Version 2

It is unfortunately a truism that the real CIA has numerous operatives doing its bidding while wearing Pentagon uniforms. This truism in particular holds for those who obtain much sought-after national security jobs.

It is quite curious that the two principal accusers of President Trump are plugged in to the national security apparatus. In the first case we have the still hidden leaker and supposed whistleblower, who is a CIA officer who evidently worked as Joe Biden's briefer when he was vice president.

The man who is -- allegedly -- filling in gaps in the White House transcript, Alexander Vindman, is an Army lieutenant colonel on a career track in the national security area. Such persons are almost always fronting for the CIA. The CIA is their meal ticket. The agency is the gatekeeper, and these people know that to get ahead they must serve that master, even though not officially.

The Intercept defends Vindman as a naturalized American  who as a child fled the Soviet persecution of Jews. The opinion/news service avers that as a decorated Iraq War veteran -- all officers are routinely decorated, otherwise they don't advance -- who advises the National Security Council on Ukraine and Russia, the GOP is hitting him below the belt with smears. Sean Hannity of Fox News, however, complemented Vindman on his service while casting doubt on what was going on.

An obvious point is being overlooked: Vindman's background may tend to give him a strong dislike of the authoritarian regime of ex-KGB officer Vladimir Putin. Would this dislike put him in the corner of the "Russia collusion" Democrats? Was the colonel one of the covert members of Trump's team who were determined to resist him -- on grounds of being too soft on Russia in the eyes  of hard-liners and phony hard-liners? Would this have tended to tilt Vindman in favor of damaging Trump publicly? There is an obvious question, though not proof, of inherent bias.

Vindman's background should be checked to see whether there are previous indications of distaste for Trump's Russia policies.

It will be interesting to see what other actual or suspected CIA people are pushed forward to help Adam Schiff misuse the Intelligence Committee to conduct a smear campaign. Quite interesting that the California Democrat who heads the committee is abusing intelligence powers in very much the same way that Democrat appointees in the intelligence agencies abused power in hopes of derailing Trump

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