Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dems covering up 'whistleblower' link to Biden

Pelosi throttles vote, keeps lid on facts
as Schiff shrouds hearings in secrecy

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is requiring that hearings on the charges of President Trump's accuser be held in the hush-hush SCIF room on Capitol Hill. National security involving the unnamed CIA officer who has been styled a "whistleblower" is supposedly at issue. The secure room -- or Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility -- is ordinarily used for classified matters. But any accusation that might be worthy of impeachment requires full and open debate, argue Republicans and libertarians.

Republicans fear a secret kangaroo court process in which President Trump, the Republicans and the American people are forbidden to know exactly what is going on.

Republicans charge that real whistleblowers are not faceless persons, but are courageous people whose identities are released to the public. By taking elaborate precautions to prevent the GOP from getting information on the leaker, Democrats have been effectively concealing the possible partisan nature of the CIA officer's leak to Democrat Schiff's committee. Further, they are trying to hide the relationship the leaker, a registered Democrat, had with Vice President Joe Biden at the Obama White House, as reported by the Washington Examiner and other media. It is believed the CIA officer served as Biden's intelligence briefer and was knowledgeable about Ukraine politics.

On hearing from another intelligence official that Trump had brought up a need to investigate Biden and his son Hunter in connection with high-level bribery and obstruction of justice, the CIA leaker revealed what he knew to Schiff's aides. Evidently, the Democrats then urged the leaker to make an official "whistleblowing" complaint so that they would have something stronger than a hearsay leak to present to the anti-Trump press.
A useful discussion is found at the

Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity:

Impeachment...Or Show Trial? Pelosi's Anonymous Accusers

Even though the leaker's working relationship with Biden has surfaced, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is still refusing to permit an open process and is relying  on the anti-Trump press to play down suspicions of partisanship while Trump is attacked by politicians relying on anonymous CIA and intelligence people who may have political axes to grind.

Biden demonstrated his desire to muzzle his opponent when his campaign demanded that  Facebook and Twitter remove Trump political ads.

"No company should allow itself to be a tool to mislead the public on any issue," the Biden camp complained. Both companies refused Biden's demand that they muzzle Trump.

Republicans are beginning to fire back that Democrats are once again wrapping a political attack in national security secrecy, as occurred in the failed Russiagate attack overseen by Robert Mueller. By keeping much secret, and selectively leaking to the anti-Trump press, Democrats are attempting to put Trump at a severe disadvantage, Republicans say. The object is to get a party-line vote in favor of impeachment following secret hearings and selective leaks, after which Trump would face trial in the Senate and, even assuming he survives that, a bruising re-election battle.

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