Monday, October 28, 2019

Pelosi to Dems: I demand that Trump be impeached

By prejudging President, Speaker ensures a charade
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has already announced the outcome of the House impeachment inquiry, before lawmakers even vote to authorize it.  She has conveyed to her party that President Trump is guilty of the counts of impeachment she expects to be written.

Last month she said that  "the president must be held accountable" for his "betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security, and the betrayal of the integrity of our elections." Evidently she expects that these are to be the three counts of impeachment approved by House Democrats after a period of political posturing.

Yet, the House judiciary and intelligence committees had only begun preliminary investigations when Pelosi announced Trump's guilt. Betrayal of the oath of office is a fairly sweeping allegation, which only makes sense if the other two of her claims are true. Yet she knew very well that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had found no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russian government.

Insofar as undermining national security, Pelosi cited no evidence and did not mention anything that has appeared in the press. But she herself was involved in a terrific national security scandal for which she merited impeachment and removal. The "liberal" Democrat was one of the few people in Washington who were kept fully informed on the massive NSA program to vacuum up telephone records of all Americans that was exposed by Edward Snowden. Did she urge President Obama to cease and desist from this outrageous affront to American liberty? Not at all. She dutifully played along, and when caught, did some fancy footwork to dodge responsibility for her oversight failure.

She is an archetypical front person for the Deep State, which is pulling out all the stops to resurrect its Red China-favoring globalism.

Pelosi and many other Deep State flunkies are doing the bidding of China's powerful Communist Party, which is running a dangerous Communist conspiracy in America. One person the Reds want out of the way is Donald Trump. As Fox Commentator Laura Ingraham observed, Trump is a "moderate" with respect to China. Unlike a growing number of Americans, he doesn't favor cutting ties with Beijing.  But the Reds have been used to pushovers in the White House, including both George Bushes, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. The Reds are teaming up with the globalist establishment and the real CIA to maneuver their nemesis out of their way.

Tip: If the impeachers get too out of control, Trump should threaten to cut all ties with China. See how fast the whole show comes to a screeching halt.

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