Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Fake news brings you fake impeachment       Fake news brings you fake impeachment

Now Pelosi tries to rig Senate trial

Pelosi and her henchpersons refused to make an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court to have it rule on whether the House could compel Trump aides to testify. The White House invoked executive privilege and the separation of powers doctrine to bar the testimony, on grounds that House Democrats were avoiding elementary fairness and due process.

Instead, Democrats voted to impeach Trump for "obstructing" them even though they never tried to fight in court.
Once these weak articles were voted, Pelosi then said that she wouldn't send the impeachment case to the Senate unless Senate Republicans granted some unstated demand of hers. Plainly, what she wants to do is subvert due process in the Senate also, by holding off the trial until Senate Republicans grant Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer the right to call the witnesses that the House refused to go to court over.
That would be tantamount to House Democrats rigging the trial by putting Schumer on the House prosecution team to try to prop up the Democrats' weak case. That is not what the Constitution envisions. What the Constitution envisions is that House lawmakers present their case to the Senate and that a President be permitted to present a rebuttal case. Senators can subpoena witnesses in order to supplement the House case and to supplement the President's case, but they are not obligated to do so.
Indeed, Pelosi and her cronies may well be trying to block the GOP from calling Joe and Hunter Biden as witnesses by prompting Republicans to denounce the Schumer ploy.
What everyone needs to beware of is that there is a not-so-hidden agenda behind this impeachment maneuver. Deep State security bureaucrats want to block Prosecutor John Durham's investigation, which is liable to result in a number of high-level spooks and gumshoes going to prison, especially in light of what the Justice Department inspector general revealed.
This push isn't merely about Democrat feel-goodism. The Deep Swamp is planning to cause another fake "expose" during the Senate trial -- or perhaps before -- that it can use to peel off some 20 Republican senators who have long ties to the security establishment and who are more like errand boys than overseers. These senators will get the word to utter phony gasps and say, "Well now this changes everything."
Closely related is the loathing of security gurus for enforceable barriers against the arbitrary Secret Police powers that they have accrued. If the Senate GOP can be "turned," then the Senate will no longer be pushing to put the Secret Police where it belongs, in the trash can of American history.
But, spooks don't fight fair, as Schumer pointed out when he predicted that spookdom would go after Trump "six ways to Sunday."

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