Thursday, January 2, 2020

China Reds tighten
squeeze on religion

Religious leaders ordered to 'adhere' to Communism;
all religious activity must be cleared by bureaucrats

Official Communist edict:

"Administrative Measures for Religious Groups" promulgated, effective February 1, 2020

2019-12-30 14:48 Sing Tao Global Network

On November 20, Order No. 13 of the State Administration of Religious Affairs promulgated the "Administrative Measures for Religious Groups", which will be implemented from February 1, 2020. The promulgation and implementation of the "Administrative Measures for Religious Groups" is of great significance to thoroughly implement the newly revised "Regulations on Religious Affairs", regulate the management of religious groups, strengthen the construction of religious groups, and further play the role of bridges and bonds for religious groups.

The "Administrative Measures for Religious Groups" has a total of six chapters and forty-one articles, which stipulate the organization of religious groups, the functions of religious groups, and supervision and management. The Measures make it clear that the religious affairs department of the people's government is the business unit in charge of religious organizations and should perform the functions of guiding and supervising and managing the religious organizations.

The "Measures" stipulates that the meetings of representatives of religious groups, councils (committees) and standing councils (standing committees) shall meet regularly in accordance with regulations to decide on related matters and exercise their functions and powers; relevant persons in charge of religious groups shall comply with relevant state regulations and the group Articles of association are created and perform their duties; religious groups shall carry out their work in accordance with the law and their articles of association, perform the functions prescribed by laws, regulations, rules and the articles of association of such groups; religious groups shall establish and improve their internal management-related systems and strengthen their own management.

Decree of the State Administration of Religious Affairs

No. 13

The "Administrative Measures for Religious Groups" was reviewed and approved by the State Bureau of Religious Affairs in accordance with the prescribed procedures on November 1, 2019, and is now promulgated, and will be implemented as of February 1, 2020.

Director Wang Zuo'an

November 20, 2019

Administrative Measures for Religious Groups

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 These measures are formulated in order to regulate the management of religious groups, promote the healthy development of religious groups, and actively guide religion to adapt to socialist society.

Article 2 "Religious groups" as mentioned in these Measures refer to non-profit social organizations that are formed voluntarily by religious believers, and unite religious citizens to love their country and religion, promote the healthy development of religion, and carry out activities in accordance with their constitutions.

Religious groups are the bridge and bond that unites the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Government and connects people in the religious circles and the majority of religious citizens.

Article 3 The establishment of religious organizations shall be subject to the registration and management of religious affairs of the state and the management of religious affairs, which shall be reviewed and approved by the religious affairs department of the people ’s government and registered with the civil affairs department of the people ’s government.

Without the approval of the religious affairs department of the people's government, or registration with the civil affairs department of the people's government, no activities can be carried out in the name of religious groups.

Article 4 The charter of a religious group shall conform to the relevant regulations on the management of state social groups and the management of religious affairs. Religious groups carry out activities in accordance with the articles of association and are protected by law.

Article 5 Religious organizations must adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations, rules and policies, adhere to the principle of independence and self-government, adhere to the direction of China's religion, implement the core values of socialism, and maintain national unity and national unity , Religious harmony and social stability.

Article 6 The religious affairs department of the people's government is the business unit in charge of religious organizations. Religious organizations shall accept the professional guidance and supervision of the religious affairs department of the people's government.

Chapter 2 Organizations of Religious Groups

Article 7 Religious organizations shall establish their organizations in accordance with the principles of democracy, leanness, and efficiency in accordance with the relevant provisions of the management of national social organizations and the management of religious affairs, as well as the provisions of their constitutions.

Article 8 The conference of religious group representatives is the supreme authority of religious groups. The council (committee) is the executive body of the representative conference and is responsible for the representative conference.

A religious group with a large number of councils (committees) may establish a standing council (standing committee), which is responsible to the council (committee).

Article 9 The meeting of representatives of religious groups, the council (committee) and the standing council (standing committee) shall meet regularly in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state social organization management and the constitution of the group to determine related matters and exercise their functions and powers.

Article 10: Directors (members), executive directors (standing members), chairmen (chairmen, directors), vice chairmen (deputy chairmen, deputy directors), secretary generals (directors), deputy secretary generals (deputy directors) of religious groups Officer) shall be generated in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state social organization management and the provisions of the constitution of the organization, and perform its duties.

Article 11 The chairman (chairman, director) shall not concurrently serve as the chairman (chairman, director) of other social organizations, including religious organizations, except for religious associations where the chairman (chairman, director) serves as the office. The chairman (chairman, director) should be a mainland resident of the People's Republic of China, and his age should generally not exceed 70 years.

The chairman (chairman, director) is elected for a term of five years, and is generally eligible for re-election.

The chairman (chairman, director) should generally be in the office of the group. In special circumstances, if the chairperson (chairman, director) cannot be in the meeting, the executive vice chairman (executive vice chairman, executive deputy director) should be responsible for the daily work of the group. . At least one of the Vice-Presidents (Vice-Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen) shall be stationed in the meeting.

Article 12 The legal representative of a religious group shall generally be the chairman (chairman, director). The legal representative of a religious group shall not concurrently serve as the legal representative of other social groups, including religious groups.

Article 13 Religious organizations shall reasonably set up offices in accordance with their business scope and actual work needs.

Article 14 The establishment of branches and representative organizations of religious organizations shall conform to the purposes and business scope stipulated in the articles of association of the group, and shall be discussed and approved by the council (committee) or the standing council (standing committee).

Branches can be called branches, professional committees, working committees, etc. Representative organizations can be called representative offices, offices and liaison offices.

Branches and representative offices do not have the status of legal persons and may not make separate articles of association. Their names shall not be named after the names of various types of legal person organizations. They shall not bear the words "China", "China", "nationwide" and "country." Full normative name with the name of the religious group to which it belongs.

Religious organizations may not establish regional branches, nor may they establish branches or representative offices under the branches or representative offices.

Article 15 Religious organizations shall strengthen the building of leading bodies and build high-quality leading bodies in accordance with the standards of political reliability, democratic work style, and efficient work.

Chapter III Functions of Religious Groups

Article 16 Religious organizations shall carry out their work in accordance with laws and regulations, and perform the functions prescribed by laws, regulations, rules and the articles of association of their own organizations.

Article 17 Religious organizations shall publicize the principles and policies of the Communist Party of China as well as national laws, regulations, and rules to religious staff and religious citizens, and educate and guide religious staff and religious citizens to support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the socialist system, and adhere to Follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, abide by laws, regulations, rules and policies, correctly handle the relationship between national laws and canons, and strengthen national awareness, awareness of the rule of law, and citizenship.

Article 18 Religious groups shall contact and serve religious clerics and religious citizens, reflect the opinions and reasonable demands of religious circles, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of religious clerics and religious citizens, and guide religious clerics and religious citizens in fulfilling their civic obligations. .

Article 19 Religious organizations shall, in accordance with the Constitution, laws, regulations, rules, policies, and practical work requirements, formulate and supervise religious institutions, religious venues, religious staff, and religious activities within their business scope. implement.

Article 20 National religious organizations and religious organizations in provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities shall fulfill the responsibilities of the subjects of running religious schools, conduct daily management and supervision of religious schools, guide religious universities to adhere to the correct direction of school running, and improve school running. Quality, improve the board of directors or council and other organizations and deliberative decision-making system, improve the internal management and operation mechanism of religious colleges; support religious colleges to improve school conditions, help solve difficulties and problems encountered in running schools, and ensure the stability of religious colleges School funding.

Article 21 Religious organizations shall guide the establishment of management organizations in religious venues, improve internal management systems, implement democratic management, and standardize religious activities and financial management.

Religious organizations shall guide the venues of religious activities to negotiate to select the main faculty members of religious venues, and review the religious faculty members who hold or leave the main faculty positions of religious venues. After the approval of the review, guide the religious venues to the religious affairs department of the people's government Filing.

Religious groups apply for the establishment of places for religious activities in accordance with the actual needs; they apply for the registration of legal persons for places of religious activities and submit their review opinions.

Article 22 Religious organizations shall conduct research on religious culture and religious classics, carry out religious ideological construction, and dig deep into the content of doctrine and canonism that is conducive to social harmony, the advancement of the times, and healthy civilization. Interpretation of Chinese traditional culture.

Article 23 Religious organizations shall identify religious faculty members in accordance with the methods for determining religious faculty members formulated by national religious groups and report them to the religious affairs department of the people's government for the record.

Religious groups shall strengthen the rule of law education, political education, cultural education, and religious education of religious faculty members, and improve the comprehensive quality of religious faculty members.

Religious groups shall strengthen the construction of teaching style, improve the reward and punishment mechanism and the admission and withdrawal mechanism for religious faculty members, and punish religious faculty members who violate laws, regulations, rules and the rules and regulations of the group.

Article 24. National religious organizations and religious organizations in provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with the needs of their own religion, select and receive religious students in accordance with relevant state regulations, and regulate the channels for studying abroad.

Religious organizations nationwide shall formulate their own procedures for selecting and receiving religious students and submit them to the State Bureau of Religious Affairs for the record.

Chapter IV Supervision and Management

Article 25 The religious affairs department of the people's government shall perform the duties of a competent business unit and guide and manage the following affairs of religious groups in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and rules of the state:

(1) Responsible for the establishment, change, cancellation of registration of religious organizations, and business review before the approval of the articles of association; review of the annual work report of religious organizations; together with relevant authorities, guide the registration and liquidation of religious organizations;

(2) to supervise and guide religious groups to carry out activities and perform functions in accordance with the laws and regulations, and to deal with violations of laws, regulations, rules, policies and the articles of association of religious groups according to law;

(3) Examining, supervising, and managing matters that religious groups apply to the religious affairs department of the people's government for approval in accordance with law;

(4) to supervise and guide religious groups to establish and improve rules and regulations in accordance with the Constitution, laws, regulations, rules, policies, and actual work needs, and strengthen ideological, organizational, style, and institutional construction;

(5) Other matters that require guidance and management as provided by laws and regulations.

Article 26 The following matters of a religious organization shall be reported to its business unit for review and approval:

(1) matters stipulated by laws and regulations that shall be subject to examination and approval by the competent business unit;

(2) To adjust the chairman (chairman, director), vice chairman (deputy chairman, deputy director), secretary general (director general), office and person in charge of the organization, and hire honorary chairman (chairman, director);

(3) Holding major conferences, activities, trainings, and foreign exchange activities;

(4) It is planned to carry out activities with the religious affairs department of the people's government as the supporting unit and host unit;

(5) Donations of religious books, audiovisual products, or donations in excess of 100,000 yuan by organizations or individuals in the receiving country (foreign);

(6) Other matters that should be reported to the competent business unit for review.

Article 27 The following matters of a religious organization shall be reported to its business unit in writing beforehand:

(1) Work plan, annual work plan, annual work summary;

(2) large financial expenditures, major asset disposal, and major construction projects;

(3) establishing branches, representative offices, social organizations, and economic entities;

(4) A safety accident has occurred, causing casualties or property damage;

(5) Contradictions and disputes within the group or between the group and other parties, which affect the normal development of the group's work;

(6) Major violations of laws and regulations occur;

(7) Other matters that should be reported to the competent business unit.

Under special circumstances, if a written report cannot be made beforehand, a religious group shall report to its business unit in writing during or after the event.

Article 28 Religious organizations shall regulate the conferences of representatives, councils (committees), executive councils (standing committees), chairmen (chairmen, directors), and chairmen ( Chairman, Director) Office conference system, perfect democratic decision-making mechanism.

Article 29 Religious organizations shall formulate work plans and annual work plans, clarify long-term goals and near-term tasks, and ensure that plans and plans are implemented.

Article 30 Religious organizations shall formulate their own staff management system, clarify work responsibilities and work disciplines, and regulate the religious activities, social activities, and external exchanges of workers.

Religious group staff includes the chairman (chairman, director), vice chairman (deputy chairman, deputy director), secretary general (director general), deputy secretary general (deputy general director), and office staff.

Article 31 Religious organizations shall establish a system of job reporting and democratic evaluation by the chairman (chairman, director), vice chairman (deputy chairman, deputy director), and secretary general (general director).

Article 32 Religious groups shall establish a learning system and organize their staff to learn from the major decisions and deployments of the Communist Party of China, national policies and regulations, excellent Chinese traditional culture, and religious knowledge.

Article 33: Religious organizations that carry out Internet religious information services shall improve relevant internal management systems and abide by the relevant provisions of Internet religious information services.

Article 34 Religious organizations shall implement the country ’s unified financial, asset, and accounting systems, establish and improve accounting, financial reporting, and financial disclosure systems, establish and improve financial management institutions, allocate necessary accounting personnel, strengthen financial management, and report regularly to The religious affairs department of the people's government at or above the county level reports the financial status, income and expenditure situation, and acceptance and use of donations, etc., and announces it to religious citizens in an appropriate manner.

Article 35 The legal representative of a religious group, the person in charge of finance, and the person in charge of the financial department shall accept financial audits when leaving, retiring, or relocating from work.

Article 36 Religious organizations shall go through tax registration and tax declaration in accordance with law, and enjoy tax benefits in accordance with relevant state regulations.

Chapter V Legal Liability

Article 37 In the case of religious organizations with irregular internal governance or failure to perform duties in accordance with the articles of association, the religious affairs department of the people's government shall conduct work interviews with its chairman (chairman, director); if the circumstances are serious, he shall be notified of criticism , Deadline for rectification, etc.

Article 38 Religious organizations that violate the relevant provisions of state social organization management and religious affairs management shall be dealt with according to law by the religious affairs department and the civil affairs department of the people ’s government; violations of other laws and regulations shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 39 The interpretation of these measures is the responsibility of the State Bureau of Religious Affairs.

Article 40 Matters not covered by these measures shall be implemented in accordance with relevant state regulations.

Article 41 These Measures shall be implemented as of February 1, 2020.

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