Monday, March 23, 2020

Oz launches trials of French treatment
--without waiting for the feds to budge

Rather than wait for the FDA and White House Task Force to take action on a new French treatment of Covid-19, Dr. Mehmet Cengiz Öz said his hospital, along with academic institutions, planned to get to work immediately to see whether they can replicate the French results with clinical trials.

Oz said today he had spoken with a lead researcher and was very impressed with him as a scientist. Oz is clearly very hopeful that the treatment will work in many patients, making Covid-19 equivalent to a typical influenza in its health effects.

But, he pleaded on Fox News, "We need the pills." Oz urged the federal government to make sure the pills, hydroxochloroquine and Z-pack (Azithromycin) are available to researchers.

He said his hospital, Columbia-Presbyterian in New York City, barely had enough to conduct a trial.

A statement from the French researchers said, "We think that it is not moral" that the drug combo "is not systematically included in the therapeutic trials concerning the treatment of Covid-19 infection in France." They also said that anyone infected who comes to their institution would receive the treatment, except if they are barred by drug reactions. The researchers found that the combo knocks out Covid-19 within six days, as opposed to a typical 20 days in other treatments.

The statement was signed by Doctors Philippe Brouqui, Jean-Christophe Lagier, Matthieu Million, Philippe Parola, Didier Raoult and Marie Hocquart.

The institute, known in English as the Mediterranean Infection Foundation, aims to condense the means of  fighting infectious diseases, the leading cause of death in the world (17 million deaths per year)  and in particular the three world killers  HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.

The research team reported recently that it had achieved astonishing results with the chloroquine-Azithromycin treatment, knocking out Covid-19 within six days in its group of patients.

Researchers report knockout punch of Covid-19

The French team's decision is reminiscent of the decision of AIDS researchers, some 20 years ago, to suspend controlled studies of the "AIDS cocktail" because it was proving so effective that it was unethical to deprive the control group of the medicines.

A similar issue erupted in the 1950s when the March of Dimes advocated the use of Bayesian statistical methods in order to get the Salk vaccine into usage without being pedantic and risking more childhood cases. By contrast, some officials insisted on using unvaccinated children in control groups in order to obtain standard statistical results, and, in fact, that course of action was taken. Hence, the vaccine's statistical success meant that a number of children were left to contract polio.

Öz is a television personality who directs the Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital.

It appears to be imperative that the federal government begin to regulate and ration supplies of chloroquine and Azithromycin to prevent institutional hoarding. It is also important that the government incentivize production of these drugs and others that hospitals are calling for.

With Italy's "crude" death toll at 9.5 percent, the pressure is on to get more tests deployed in the United States, accompanied by effective antiviral treatments.

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