Sunday, May 31, 2020


A very sharp woman
OAN's Liz Wheeler brings you up to date on what
the mainstream media did not tell you.

Liz Wheeler on Twitter: "I'm baaaack! Just call me Mrs ...
Liz Wheeler


Guardian blames its ideological enemy, Fox News,
for Deep State's loss of face in FBI counsel's ouster

And someone at another network sneakily tossed
a leftwing curve ball around the boss...

Friday, May 29, 2020

Trump-Twitter war worsens

Twitter posted a notice on a Tweet of President Trump and forbade its circulation yesterday as a Trump ally called on the Justice Department to launch a criminal investigation of Twitter for bypassing sanctions and providing Iranian leaders with Twitter accounts.

The President early yesterday posted tweets on the Minneapolis rioting, in which he referred to protesters as "THUGS" and said "when the looting starts, the shooting starts."

Twitter placed a warning on the tweet, saying that in its view Trump was "glorifying violence."

Trump's message on Twitter came during a night of protests and looting in Minneapolis and were almost surely meant as a warning to the rioters. That riot has been quelled by state authorities.

Trump's ally, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., sharply questions Twitter's claim that it need not heed the sanctions. The company has announced that it is under no obligation to observe the sanctions against Iran, citing the coronavirus pandemic as a reason for ignoring the federal controls.

After Twitter "fact-checked" him, Trump signed an order stripping Twitter and other editorializing social media platforms of their liability shields, meaning they can no longer block lawsuits stemming from message content by claiming to be neutral forums.

Hawley blasts Twitter as pal of Reds

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Trump launches war on social media

Open fire: Prez strips tech giants of liability shield,
urges states to prosecute deceptive advertising

  • Executive order follows Twitter
    'fact-checking' him but not China Reds
  • Prez blasts tech giants for curbing American free speech
    while bolstering Communist repression
  • White House readies legislation to assure firms
    cannot claim to be both editorial media and neutral forums

Thank you, Twitter, for provoking Trump to do what I have been calling for. Thank you, Facebook, for booting me off -- after only a few days after I renewed my registration -- for posting unwanted (by your censors) opinions and news. Thank you also for making clear on Fox News that you have every intention of NOT being a neutral forum, and of regulating even Trump's speech.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Google, Facebook, Amazon bypass U.S. sanctions

Big tech aids barred China entities

The Epoch Times's Declassified program reports the findings of a computer traffic analysis. None of the firms would comment, Declassified noted, interestingly.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Flynn judge latest in Russia witch hunt to lawyer up

Sullivan scampers to hire private attorney
as courtroom practices come under scrutiny

Flynn had a target on his back;
he had planned to ax Deep State

From The Tablet
The United States Intelligence Community as a whole was against the former spy chief, who was promising to conduct a Beltway-wide audit that would force each of the agencies to justify their missions. Flynn told friends and colleagues he was going to make the entire senior intelligence service hand in their resignations and then detail why their work was vital to national security. Flynn knew the intelligence system well enough to know that thousands of higher-level bureaucrats wouldn’t make the cut.

Flynn had enemies at the very top of the intelligence bureaucracy. In 2014, he’d been fired as DIA head. Under oath in February of that year, he told the truth to a Senate committee—ISIS was not, as President Barack Obama had said, a “JV team.” They were a serious threat to American citizens and interests and were getting stronger. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers then summoned Flynn to the Pentagon and told him he was done.

“Flynn’s warnings that extremists were regrouping and on the rise were inconvenient to an administration that didn’t want to hear any bad news,” says former DIA analyst Oubai Shahbandar. “Flynn’s prophetic warnings would play out exactly as he’d warned shortly after he was fired."

Flynn’s firing appeared to be an end to one of the most remarkable careers in recent American intelligence history. He made his name during the Bush administration’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, where soldiers in the field desperately needed intelligence, often collected by other combat units. But there was a clog in the pipeline—the Beltway’s intelligence bureaucracy, which had a stranglehold over the distribution of intelligence.

Flynn described the problem in a 2010 article titled “Fixing Intel: A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan,” co-written with current Deputy National Security Adviser Matt Pottinger. “Moving up through levels of hierarchy,” they wrote, “is normally a journey into greater degrees of cluelessness.” Their solution was to cut Washington out of the process: Americans in uniform in Iraq and Afghanistan needed that information to accomplish their mission.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Trump mimics Obama with stealth rights attack

Secret snoop program ignores warrants -- Newsweek

The secret snoop program aims at transnational crime but, according to Newsweek, disregards basic 4th amendment rights of Americans ensnared in group surveillance.

And, the program is also targeting "information activists." I assume that means Mike Pompeo's favorite whipping boy, Julian Assange, and his WikiLeaks coworkers, along with anyone else who believes in true freedom of the press, which is what information activism is really all about.

Pompeo and his type want no back talk from the peons.

I find it appalling that Trump can continuously gripe about having had his American rights violated by the Obama security people while authorizing an Obama-style step-on-your-rights program of his own.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Declassified paragraph:
Comey had zilch on Flynn – and Obama knew it

Prez, aides knew FBI had no collusion proof
yet Flynn-Kislyak talk was leaked anyway
from among 40 high-level 'unmaskers'

The declassified part of Susan Rice's Jan. 20, 2017, memo demonstrates that FBI Director James Comey had absolutely no indication of espionage, collusion or improper activity on the part of Donald Trump's incoming national security adviser, Michael Flynn. The basis for Comey's suspicion was that, in his opinion, Flynn spoke with Kislyak too much. Yet, clearly, Comey knew that the content of the talks were within the bounds of normal diplomacy.

It is quite curious that a paragraph that tends to support Flynn's innocence remained classified for so long.

Here are Rice's words:
Director Comey affirmed that he is proceeding "by the book" as it relates to law enforcement.1 From a national security perspective,2 Comey said that he does have some concerns3 that incoming NSA Flynn is speaking frequently with Russian Ambassador Kislyak. Comey said that could be an issue as it relates to sharing sensitive information. President Obama asked if Comey was saying that the NSC should not pass sensitive information related to Russia to Flynn. Comey replied "potentially."4 He added that he had no information thus far5 that Flynn had passed classified information to Kislyak, but had noted that "the level of communication is unusual."6

1. Question: Is Rice for some reason excluding the intelligence side of the FBI, which is separate from its law enforcement side?
2. Does this imply the phrase "from a non-law enforcement perspective"?
3. In other words, Comey has no evidence of a crime.
4. Comey's ambiguous answer shows that he had nothing on Flynn.
5. Either Comey or Rice or both wished to insinuate that damaging information on Flynn might be imminent.
6. It's not an FBI director's job to pass judgment on the style of diplomacy conducted by a presidential aide, nor is it his job to imply that the level of communication was inappropriate, which is a policy decision. We know that Rice disapproved of Flynn trying to upgrade Red China as America's Number 1 adversary, while demoting Russia from that status.
Rice was avoiding scapegoat role -- analyst
Rice, Flynn duck behind intel shield
After the redacted paragraph was declassified, both Rice and Obama have been at pains to deny that Obama was involved in anything from a "law enforcement perspective." A Rice spokeswoman tried to deflect attention by accusing Trump supporters of a "dishonest" focus on law enforcement -- implying that a focus on intelligence was OK in that situation.

Rice, through a spokeswoman, is calling for the transcripts of the Flynn-Kislyak talks to be released. That would be fine, as long as transcripts of Rice's phone calls with Red China's envoys are also released.
Another important point: The declassified paragraph demonstrates that the FBI had no legitimate reason to interview Flynn from an adversarial perspective, as Comey knew that no law enforcement issue had come up.
Though I am very eager to see both the Flynn-Kislyak transcripts and the Rice-Red envoy transcripts, it appears to me that Rice's call for the declassification of diplomatic conversations is rather odd, coming from a former diplomat. Our State Department and the foreign ministries of other countries continually talk and dicker with each other on the assumption of privacy. Diplomacy cannot go on in total secret, but if envoys cannot be guaranteed some level of privacy, then diplomacy cannot be conducted.

Judge blasts governors as infringing liberty

Napolitano: We must fight illegal lockdowns

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Greenwald assails prosecution of Flynn

Knocks U.S. press as pet poodles of securocrats

Flynn is a right-wing, hawkish General whose views on the War on Terror are ones utterly anathema to my own beliefs. That does not make his prosecution justified. One’s views of Flynn personally or his politics (or those of the Trump administration generally) should have absolutely no bearing on one’s assessment of the justifiability of what the U.S. Government did to him here — any more than one has to like the political views of the detainees at Guantanamo to find their treatment abusive and illegal, or any more than one has to agree with the views of people who are being censored in order to defend their right of free expression.
Carlson, Paul blast knifing of Constitution

Suddenly, unmaskings are 'routine'

The Flynn witch hunt is just a part of the outrageous Russia hoax witch hunt conducted against Trump and his associates by Obama's top security operatives. That they would abuse their positions of trust for lowdown political skullduggery is something that we as a free people cannot permit to pass without correction.

The get-Trump abuses should bring to mind another horrific breach of constitutional principles: the Obama administration's secret mass surveillance of Americans with no authorization by Congress. That whole episode needs to be thoroughly re-examined on the basis that political spying is not a silly conjecture, considering the abuses of which Obama's security gurus were capable. Recall that Obama's IRS was used to harass and essentially shut down the Tea Party movement.

As Rand Paul says, the federal government has no right to spy on Americans and should be formally stripped of that power.

After all, why were so many top Obama officials eager to "unmask" Flynn? Obviously they intended political harm. As Paul said, there was no national security issue involved.

It's quite sad that Obama was done such a grievous disservice by a group of leftists around him in whom he vested too much trust. Something similar happened to another outstanding president. FDR assumed that his "liberals" were all maliciously aligned by conservatives, when in fact, he should have listened to the warnings about some of them.

As Greenwald's example demonstrates, not all leftists (or libertarians) are cut from a single cookie cutter.

Flynn’s case grew out of phone calls he made to Sergey Kislyak in the final days of 2016, asking that Moscow refrain from retaliating after the Obama administration expelled Russian diplomats as a means of dramatizing claims of Russian election meddling. The conversations were captured on routine wiretaps of Kislyak -- which intelligence veteran Flynn must have realized were in place -- but which stirred F.B.I. officials into action against Flynn. Flynn's discussion, though a normal bit of quiet diplomacy, would come to "look bad" politically amid the media hysteria whipped up claiming Trump-Russia collusion, which is why so many Obama aides were eager to reveal Flynn's diplomacy.

The federal judge in Flynn's case, Emmet G. Sullivan, seems more concerned with the fact that Flynn entered a false plea than with evidence that exculpatory evidence was withheld from Flynn's lawyers.

Sullivan's decision to ask a former federal judge, known for his anti-Trump rhetoric, to review the Flynn case echoes Sullivan's previous behavior in another highly controversial case brought against Ted Stevens.

Sullivan presided over the trial of Sen. Ted Stevens, D-Alaska, who was convicted in October 2008 of seven felony ethics violations.
During the trial, the judge refused requests by the defense
for a mistrial to be declared after information was revealed
that the prosecution had withheld exculpatory Brady material.
Eight days after the guilty verdict, Stevens narrowly lost his reelection bid.

The following April Sullivan accepted a Justice Department review of the Stevens case and set aside Stevens's conviction.

As more evidence of prosecutorial misconduct became known in early 2009, Sullivan held four prosecutors in civil contempt of court. One of them committed suicide.
Glenn Greenwald - WikipediaMichael Flynn - Wikipedia
Edward Snowden - WikipediaBarack Obama - Wikipedia
Top: Greenwald, at left, and Flynn. Bottom: Snowden, at left, and Obama.
Fox News, or somebody, routinely blocks my links to Fox, even though, supposedly, I rarely get more than one or two hits in the Google stats. Generally, I am credited with zero hits. In any case, if a link fails, try pasting it into your browser. The hit counter below is not accurate either, but I have installed it for comparison purposes. [It has now been adjusted so that it only records my personal page views, most of which occur during editing. That was not the case before I posted this note.]

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

New sheriff at NBC: Todd forced to apologize

NBC newsman Chuck Todd today apologized on the air for a curveball misquote of Attorney General William Barr.

During a Meet the Press program Sunday, Todd showed a part of an interview with Barr in which Barr, in response to a question, cited Winston Churchill's maxim that history is written by the winners. Todd smilingly wondered why the attorney general had failed to speak about justice being served.

Barr's comment came following a CBS newswoman's question about how history would view the Justice Department decision to halt prosecution of Gen. Michael Flynn, who had admitted to making false statements to FBI agents about conversations with the Russian ambassador. Barr then added that the rule of law would be served by the withdrawal of charges.

Todd asked guests what they thought of Barr not bothering to talk about justice being served.

Todd's apology comes as a new news boss, veteran NBC executive Cesar Conde, takes the reins from the scandal-ridden Andy Lack who had permitted news operations to veer sharply leftward.

Todd said he made the error "because we only saw the shorter of two clips that CBS did air." Todd said he was unaware that Barr had added, "But I think a fair history would say that it was a good decision because it upheld the rule of law."

Todd is a highly seasoned broadcast newsman, and so it seems quite unprofessional that he or his staff did not check with CBS or that he was not wary of criticizing Barr for something that he easily could actually have said.

Todd's attitude bespeaks a devil-may-care approach toward anything Trump-related, an approach that Lack did little to dissuade.

Conde's record shows no inclination of left-wing pandering. Conde once worked for President George Bush's secretary of state, Colin Powell. Bush is no fan of Trump.

U.S. District Judge Emmett G. Sullivan, who had branded Flynn a traitor, said today he plans to call people before his bench to give opinions on the Justice Department's decision. Flynn's legal team objected, arguing there is no basis for "friend of the court" briefs in criminal cases.

Rice bristled at Flynn's focus on Red China
as she pushed soft policy toward police state

In an interview aired Jan. 17, 2017, President Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, sharply criticized the incoming president's expressed China policy, while being careful to avoid bringing up Communist human rights abuses or China's geopolitical strategic threat.

Rice lashes Trump on China

Rice told CBS newsman Charlie Rose that the Obama administration's "whole balance could be upset" if Trump pursued a non-globalist China policy. "We can't afford to play fast and loose" on China, she said, because China was an important trade partner that held a great deal of America's national debt. She made very clear that she favored a soft policy that turned a blind eye to the resurrection of the Chinese police state, while focusing much energy on Russia as an adversary.

Rice may have been unaware that in the world of international realpolitik it is sometimes necessary to choose one's struggles. A tilt toward Russia might in fact have strengthened the strategic position of the United States vis a vis Red China.

It was also evident that Obama administration officials were angry that Flynn, Rice's incoming replacement, had spoken prior to the completion of the presidential transition with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about the 35 Russian diplomats expelled by Obama on ground that Russians "meddled" in the presidential election. Apparently Flynn had assured Kislyak that something might be done about that after Trump's inauguration. Some naive people might find such an assurance -- if that's what was meant -- appalling, but this is how diplomacy works. Flynn saw China as the real threat, not Russia, as Rice testified.

Obama officials thought about charging Flynn under the Logan Act, a relic law that has never been successfully used. They may have thought that the Washington Post's liberal columnist, David Ignatius, had generated enough support for such a peculiar move.

Rice testimony
RICE: But, frankly, we spent a lot more time talking about China in part because General Flynn's focus was on China as our principal overarching adversary. He had many questions and concems about China. And when I elicited - sought to elicit his perspective on Russia, he was quite - I started to say dismissive, but that may be an overstatement. He downplayed his assessment of Russia as a threat to the United States. He called it overblown. He said they're a declining power, they're demographically challenged, they're not really much of a threat, and then I reemphasized the importance of China. I had seen enough at that point and heard enough to be a little bit sensitive to the question of the nature of General Flynn's engagements with the Russians. And so, while I certainly gave him what he - what I thought any incoming National Security Advisor would need, in terms of broad strokes of Russia policy, Ukraine, Syria, all of those things, I didn't go into depth on particularly in the sort of hard national security realm. I figured that he could become briefed on that when he took office.

MR. SCHIFF: And during those discussions, did he ever bring up his meetings with or conversations with Ambassador Kislyak?

MS. RICE: He did not.

MR, SCHIFF: And you didn't raise the subject with him...
In an interview with ABC News's George Stephanoupolos, Rice said that Trump's foreign policy decisions with regard to Russia were suspicious and that she hoped Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor, would get to the bottom of it. But, she offered Stephanoupolis no evidence.

A memo she wrote on Obama's last day that Obama wanted investigation of Trump done "by the book" contains a redacted paragraph, but she later offered government investigators no evidence of criminal or subversive activity by Trump or his team.

No one seems to wonder why an experienced Washington hand -- someone who had headed the Defense Intelligence Agency -- could have been so naive as to fail to realize that the Russian ambassador's phone calls would have been routinely intercepted by the FBI. But, it may also be asked, how could he fail to recall such conversations?

A possibility is that the general was moving up to a top position in the security area and regarded the FBI people who came to "chat" with him as subordinates, persons who had no need to know what the general was up to. And, if so, there he made an error, not realizing the Democrat-controlled security apparatus's need to remove him so it could continue what it knew was shaky grounds for an investigation of Donald Trump.

It has been reported that penny dreadful spy novelist David Ignatius published transcripts of Flynn's calls with Kislyak in the Washington Post. If so, I have been unable to find such a transcript.

Ignatius, when not cranking out spy thrillers, pens a column for the Washington Post.

In January 2017, Ignatius published a report saying that Flynn had been picked up on a wiretap talking to Kislyak shortly after Obama expelled the Russian diplomats.
According to a senior U.S. government official, Flynn phoned Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak several times on Dec. 29, the day the Obama administration announced the expulsion of 35 Russian officials as well as other measures in retaliation for the hacking. What did Flynn say, and did it undercut the U.S. sanctions? The Logan Act (though never enforced) bars U.S. citizens from correspondence intending to influence a foreign government about “disputes” with the United States. Was its spirit violated? The Trump campaign didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
Ignatius's mention of the Logan Act is a red herring because surely it was Flynn's job to prepare the Trump administration's policy with Russia. One may disagree with the policy, but "treason" is an inappropriate description.

Sullivan moved to keep the Flynn case alive by appointing a former federal judge to review friend-of-the-court filings Sullivan is seeking which would favor a Sullivan ruling of contempt of court for perjury.

But, without a live "case or controversy," federal judges cannot exercise jurisdiction, according to the Case or Controversy Clause of Article III of the Constitution. The provision prevents judges from issuing advisory opinions, or acting on a matter that is not the subject of an ongoing dispute.

Moreover, the new order directly conflicts with Sullivan’s Dec. 20, 2017 order, in which he said, “The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure do not provide for intervention by third parties in criminal cases.”

Sullivan's maneuver comes as leftists have begun pressuring him to find a way to punish Flynn.

For example, Sullivan has been in communication with a leftist group dubbing itself "Watergate Prosecutors" which is involving itself in the Flynn's criminal case.

Leftist group to work with judge

Archived pages of 2009 article
on philosophy of perception

Toward a signal model of perception (archived version of a page posted in 2009).

Short link to the above archived page

Append. A: anecdotal accounts of synchronicity

Short link

Append. B: 'experiments' in synchronicity

Short link

(The Wayback Machine balked at recording Appendix B, though it had already recorded the main article and appendix A two years ago. So I used for Append. B.)

Monday, May 11, 2020

Links to archived footnotes for Ryle essay

I have not yet troubled to activate these links. But they should be OK. Simply paste into browser bar. Some of these archived footnotes have since been edited, but the changes are nothing to worry about.

Ryle FN ne34

FN cv20




Archived essay
Has the ghost been exorcised from the machine?

Ghost slips Ryle's grasp: Table of content

Ryle essay: Part A: O soulo mio

Ryle: Part B: Eightfold way?

Ryle: Part C: What, no instant karma?

Ryle: Part D: A 'holistic' in the head

Ryle: Part E: Trivial pursuit?

At 28,500 words -- not counting extensive footnotes -- the essay is about the length of a rather short book.
At some point, I must also archive the footnotes.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Will Lyme disease pills
prove a boon against Covid?

Med student, doc try new idea that seems to work

Pink unicorns and cute kitties only, please

After less than a week of renewed activity following a voluntary four-year lapse, I have been barred from Facebook.

First, I received a notice of "suspicious activity" right after I discovered suspicious activity in which people known to me were not receiving my messages nor was I seeing their real pages. Old pages were shown as if to give the (false) impression that they had been inactive. Each of those people had previously been chatty and cozy with me.

So as soon as I discover hanky panky, I get the boot.

They had other pretexts for shutting me down. In my photo, I was wearing a mask – because that's the thing to do these days. But it could be interpreted to mean a desire not to be recognized. BUT, at the request of Facebook (or whomever it actually is), I sent a full-face photo. I was barred anyway, but now they can use facial recognition to hunt down my terrible visage in case I should again rear my ugly head.

As it turns out, however, I went on Facebook temporarily merely because I had lost a couple of phone numbers and I wanted to touch base. So, really, I have been done a favor. At least now I won't be spinning my wheels on that nonsense.

The things I posted weren't so terrible, but I suppose the fact that I used short url's might have bothered them. I.e., they don't want their snooper algorithms defeated.

I also joked that Facebook's deletion of Qanon counts was a favor to Trump, because I regarded Qanon as a disinformation operation smoothly concocted by some intelligence agency or other. You know, "dirty up" Trump's supporters with this artful drivel. So, I would imagine that the word "Qanon" attracted a Facebook sniffer – except that I got the boot almost instantly after I started to uncover proof that my account was being manipulated.

I also believe that as the presidential campaign heats up, Facebook is going to be booting Trump backers off the platform by the tens of thousands – for any pretext they can come up with. Had anyone bothered to check closely, it would have been evident that I am not a Trump backer. I call 'em as I see 'em.

Recently the New York Post pointed out that Facebook had used a woman associated with the Wuhan virus lab as a "fact checker" on a Post story linking Covid-19 to the lab. Facebook then deleted the Post's story. It seems clear that Facebook was anxious not to offend the Chinese communists, and probably was responding to a phone call from a Chinese consular or embassy official.

Pink unicorns and cute kitties. That's all Facebook can really tolerate.

It's just middle school all over again. Inappropriate behavior will get you sent to the guidance office.

Stashed links to Sermon on Mount commentary

Includes short url's to Blogger pages and Wayback url's.

The content can often be read from the long url, and when it cannot, you have the context of the adjacent url's as a guide.">">

Monday, May 4, 2020

Shake-up rocks left-tilting NBC news units

Just as the media business was recovering from the sudden ouster of left-leaning MSNBC News host Chris Matthews, NBC's top news executive has received his walking papers.

The shakeup puts a media executive who had worked for President George Bush in charge of a single news unit that combines the operations of NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC. The new chief of this unified command is Cesar Conde, a veteran NBC executive.

The shakeup was announced Monday following the takeover of the NBC umbrella company by  Jeff Shell, who is now chief executive officer. Soon to depart is the current NBC News boss, Andy Lack. Lack garnered much unfavorable attention after it was disclosed that NBC had squelched Ronan Farrow's reporting on sex allegations against Hollywood hot shot Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein was found guilty of two of five felony sex offenses in February and handed 23 years in a New York State prison.

The stated reason for Matthews's removal was that he had been insensitive to new social norms when he complimented a woman four years ago.

But now that NBC is in a major overhaul, observers will question whether the motive for removal had to do with Matthews's age. At 74, the longtime "Hardball" host appeared to be projecting an image that was out of step with the younger, more open-walleted viewers that NBC wants to foster, according to some reports. In addition, media tea-leaf readers will wonder whether Bush's recent call for national unity is related to the NBC shake-up. Is Shell in accord with Bush's sentiment and desirous of toning down the rancorous anti-Trump rhetoric and news slanting that fills NBC's airwaves?

In the midst of a vicious national pandemic that threatens to undermine the national economy, is the idea to return to a more sober, balanced and objective news content and presentation than has been true for the last four years? Is the obvious leftism of NBC to be reined in so as to present a "responsible" front, no matter how erratic and seemingly irrational Trump is? Will NBC news staff members be told to return to the era of professionalism and stop doing everything possible to undermine Trump?

The fact that the new NBC news czar worked with the Bush White House and has no record of a leftist tilt certainly is being noted. The fact that Trump and Bush do not see eye to eye could be taken as a signal that NBC has no intention of kowtowing to the White House. Yet it seems certain that there will be attempts to cool down the fiery rhetoric and cheap shots -- rhetoric which pleases the left but which leaves many Americans with a sense of disgust. By continually baiting Trump, the media feeds the noise.

Normally the "noise" in Washington helps generate viewers and readers -- and money. But, America's situation is so precarious that numerous people in the business community have been calling for a return to civil discourse. Also, continually whipping up MSNBC's "core viewers" no doubt is seen as a no-growth strategy, as younger viewers turn elsewhere.

Like Trump, Conde is a graduate of the prestigious Wharton School of Business. Conde is known for numerous efforts aimed at the Hispanic community. He was the driving force behind the launch of El Poder En Ti (The Power Within You), a community platform focusing on three areas of importance to U.S. Hispanics: education (Tú Educación), health (Tú Salud) and finance (Tú Dinero).

The command changes puts the NBC parent firm's television networks and its new streaming service, Peacock, under Mark Lazarus, now chairman of television and streaming. He will continue to oversee the NBC Sports Group, television stations owned by NBC, and affiliate relations, the company said.

The NBC parent firm is bracing for a big year as it enters the crowded streaming market, with Peacock set to launch broadly July 15. Meanwhile, the company faces major hurdles related to the Covid pandemic, including the shuttering of its theme parks and a downturn in advertising revenue as Covid racks the economy.

In fact, the current ideological cant emanating from NBC may well be seen by Shell and his top advisers as counterproductive as economic woes are already forcing widespread layoffs of news staff members across the industry. Major layoffs are virtually certain as NBC streamlines and restructures its news operations.

Prior to joining the main NBC company, Conde was at the Spanish-language broadcast outfit Univision for ten years, serving as president for five years. During this time he held a number of senior positions, including as top aide to Univision's chief, reaching the presidency of Univision Networks in 2009.

Before that, he was a White House fellow in the Bush administration, where he worked with Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Like Trump, Conde was born in New York City, though he grew up in Miami. His father, Cesar A. Conde, is an immigrant from Peru and his mother, Maria Conde, is a Cuban exile.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Get with the program

Make it programer

Old archived pages

Here are some more old archived pages, with no effort to avoid repetitions. I post them in the event someone who is so inclined may review my writings over the past two decades. I am not exactly swelled with pride over these writings, as they show how far short of the mark my work falls.

rt 66 thingies

the law and the prophets and fig newtons

old angelfire links of mine

when algos collide

geometric note on russell's pdx

when is truth vacuous geocities

rich pardon geocities

mi6 fray geocities

objection to prop 1 of w's tractatus

early where is zion page

monty hall page

travel salesman angelfire

cosmos as turing machine

schroeder-bernstein theorem

plato and cantor v wittg and brouwer

ax of choice and non-denum reals

psyops vs the press

disjoint nondenum sets of reals

algo to 'construct' all reals

godel's theorem and time travel

psychotronic mind games

muireanne and cody rt 66

nuther ryle version

Route 66 w dad poem

skipped key forensic tests angelfire wayback

paul conant links wayback

entropy  wayback

aids doomsday?

star wars ai etc

to reporters' committee

9/11 blasts still echo

crash course in entropy

pentagon blocks on my pages

blacklisted journalist

old posts

freaky facts 9, 11

worst of hearst

NEWS of the WORLD launched

The Invisible Man is being folded into the new site, NEWS of the WORLD, which has begun operation. Though this Invisible Man site is ce...