Saturday, May 9, 2020

Pink unicorns and cute kitties only, please

After less than a week of renewed activity following a voluntary four-year lapse, I have been barred from Facebook.

First, I received a notice of "suspicious activity" right after I discovered suspicious activity in which people known to me were not receiving my messages nor was I seeing their real pages. Old pages were shown as if to give the (false) impression that they had been inactive. Each of those people had previously been chatty and cozy with me.

So as soon as I discover hanky panky, I get the boot.

They had other pretexts for shutting me down. In my photo, I was wearing a mask – because that's the thing to do these days. But it could be interpreted to mean a desire not to be recognized. BUT, at the request of Facebook (or whomever it actually is), I sent a full-face photo. I was barred anyway, but now they can use facial recognition to hunt down my terrible visage in case I should again rear my ugly head.

As it turns out, however, I went on Facebook temporarily merely because I had lost a couple of phone numbers and I wanted to touch base. So, really, I have been done a favor. At least now I won't be spinning my wheels on that nonsense.

The things I posted weren't so terrible, but I suppose the fact that I used short url's might have bothered them. I.e., they don't want their snooper algorithms defeated.

I also joked that Facebook's deletion of Qanon counts was a favor to Trump, because I regarded Qanon as a disinformation operation smoothly concocted by some intelligence agency or other. You know, "dirty up" Trump's supporters with this artful drivel. So, I would imagine that the word "Qanon" attracted a Facebook sniffer – except that I got the boot almost instantly after I started to uncover proof that my account was being manipulated.

I also believe that as the presidential campaign heats up, Facebook is going to be booting Trump backers off the platform by the tens of thousands – for any pretext they can come up with. Had anyone bothered to check closely, it would have been evident that I am not a Trump backer. I call 'em as I see 'em.

Recently the New York Post pointed out that Facebook had used a woman associated with the Wuhan virus lab as a "fact checker" on a Post story linking Covid-19 to the lab. Facebook then deleted the Post's story. It seems clear that Facebook was anxious not to offend the Chinese communists, and probably was responding to a phone call from a Chinese consular or embassy official.

Pink unicorns and cute kitties. That's all Facebook can really tolerate.

It's just middle school all over again. Inappropriate behavior will get you sent to the guidance office.

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