Monday, November 1, 2021

How to keep the people in line
and expand welfare for the rich

How can the merchants of death keep raking in their welfare dollars from the U.S. Treasury without a war?
They can't. Thus, they must:

✓ Have a brushfire war every few years, but make heroic efforts to avoid winning.
✓ Try to extend the Cold War past its expiration date.
✓ Stage a false flag operation and announce a war on terror.
✓ More brushfire wars.
✓ When war is for some political reason not an option, have a war on covid. Try to get people to suspect a virus under every bed.

For any of the above, read Orwell's 1984 for advice on how to control the citizenry. Also read Lenin's What is to Be Done?, which is a primer on the methods of subversion and conspiracy. Much can also be learned from the current pack of communists controlling China.

The belief that the American people have, both in a strong military and respect for members of the Armed Forces and veterans, should never be used as a smokescreen by hives of large-scale looters with deep ties to the Deep State axis that has mushroomed up from northern Virginia to Baltimore.

It goes without saying that the plunderers and killers must have the cooperation of the press. The Deep State cannot exist without either direct control of or intimidation of the press. The idea that the American people, or any other people, should see the inner workings of what their Deep State-ridden governments do is intolerable. Thus, the Deep State's secret police organ, the CIA, must make an example of Assange. "Crucify him! Crucify him!"

Heaven forfend that the people are permitted to vote with their eyes open! They must be kept blind! Otherwise Babylon the Great will collapse atop the robber billionaires and their communist allies.

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