Monday, October 14, 2019

Paul blows whistle on Dems' Ukraine 'abuse'

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Rand Paul, the Kentucky libertarian

Sen. Rand Paul, the libertarian Republican from Kentucky, is blowing the whistle on three Democratic senators who, he says, pressed Ukraine to investigate President Trump or risk losing U.S. aid. Democrats are contending that Trump "abused power" with a similar ploy.

Paul called for an investigation into the Democratic senators who sent a letter in 2018 to the prosecutor general of Ukraine requesting information on investigations into former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.

Paul parried questions from Chuck Todd on NBC's "Meet the Press" on whether he was troubled by the efforts of Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to gain information  from foreign governments on former Vice President Joe Biden.

"If anything's consistent here, both parties have tried to involve themselves in Ukraine," Paul said. "If you're going to condemn Trump, you need to condemn the Democratic senators. It shouldn't just be one-sided."

The 2018 letter to which Paul referred  was sent by three Democratic senators — Robert Menendez of New Jersey, Dick Durbin of Illinois and Patrick Leahy of Vermont — to Ukraine's prosecutor general, asking for the country's assistance in the Mueller investigation. The letter was sent after a New York Times report found the investigations into Manafort in Ukraine had stalled.

Paul asserts the Democratic senators threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine in the letter if the country did not cooperate in the Mueller investigation.

Hence, if Trump's behavior is deserving of investigation, then so is that of the three Democrats, argued Paul.

The senators' letter contained a threat, said Paul. "And that’s the same kind of stuff they’re accusing Trump of."

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, launched what she termed an impeachment inquiry against Trump after a "whistleblower" report surfaced concerns about a July call between Trump and the Ukrainian president. In the call, Trump asked President Volodymyr Zelensky to "look into" former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter days after withholding military aid from the country.

During Biden's vice presidency, Biden pushed for the dismissal of a Ukrainian prosecutor, who was looking into a Ukrainian gas company, of which Hunter Biden sat on the board.

The CIA leaker, who had hearsay knowledge of Trump's call, has been identified as a registered Democrat who worked in the Obama White House with Biden on Ukraine affairs. That identification has yet to be wholly confirmed.

The House has not voted to hold impeachment hearings, thus denying Trump and Republicans the right to call witnesses, cross-examine witnesses, representation by counsel, and due process of law in general. Meanwhile, the Intelligence Committee under Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, has been holding secret hearings and arranging selective leaks to the anti-Trump media.

Curiously, Pelosi is following the playbook Hillary Clinton tried to use during the impeachment hearings of Richard Nixon. Clinton, as a young staff attorney, pushed hard to deny Nixon legal counsel and went so far as to hide from public view relevant law files as she tried to get her way, even submitting a legal brief arguing that no precedent existed for Nixon's right to legal counsel, it has been reported. She was the only House lawyer who received no commendation from the chief attorney, Jerome R. Zeifman.

Zeifman has said that he terminated Clinton from the committee for what he deemed unethical professional behavior connected to Nixon's due process. Because he could only sideline her and not discharge her, Zeifman's assertion has been called false by, which styles itself the debunker of "conspiracy theories."

Clinton's attempt to block legal representation of Nixon was scorned by everyone involved.

In his 2006 book, Hillary's Pursuit of Power, Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, wrote that the then-27-year-old Hillary Rodham "engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules."

An interesting video

Those rules are no longer in force as Pelosi follows Clinton's tactic of strait-jacketing due process.

As a young woman, Clinton sought and obtained work for a law firm run by a self-declared Communist. She was interested in the firm's work of representing Black Panthers.

Pelosi has been under pressure from Clinton and the ultra-left of her party to get busy impeaching Trump.

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