Saturday, February 1, 2020

OAN News refuses to muzzle Paul

Unlike other news organizations, OAN News permitted Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., to utter a taboo name in its broadcast.

Why shouldn't Paul say 'Ciaramella' out loud?

When Paul was interviewed by Fox News on the refusal of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Thursday to read Paul's question aloud, he was cautioned not to mention the name during the Fox broadcast.

But, Twitter aired Paul's tweets in which he   brought up the name of a National   Security Council aide -- whose name is not classified -- and YouTube published the link to the OAN News report (above). Yet FaceBook has been censoring a reporter who published a story on the "whistleblower" suspect.

In addition, the conservative publication The Federalist published the taboo name on the day Paul clashed with Roberts.

Paul points out to OAN that, as neither he nor others have concrete evidence as to the identity of the "whistleblower," Roberts seemed to have made a serious mistake.

Paul defended his question, saying that senators had a right to information on a little knot of Trump-despising Democrat-inclined people on or who had been on the National Security Council. He suspects that Eric Ciaramella, a CIA analyst who was pushed out of the White House for insubordination, may have colluded with members of Rep. Adam Schiff's staff, two of whom also had worked at the NSC.

Abigail Grace, who worked at the NSC until 2018, was hired by Schiff's House Intelligence Committee in February 2019, while Sean Misko, an NSC aide until 2017, joined the Democrat-controlled staff in August 2019, the same month the "whistleblower" submitted his complaint.

The "whistleblower" was an NSC official who worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and who has expertise in Ukraine, the Washington Examiner has reported. An NSC person who worked with Biden with expertise on Ukraine is Ciaramella, the Examiner did not report.

But today the Examiner published Ciaramella's name and identified him as the "alleged whistleblower."

Today's Examiner headline:
Rand Paul reads out his question
naming alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella
Paul on Thursday tweeted the question he said he submitted to Roberts:

Tweet 1
My exact question was: Are you aware that House intelligence committee staffer Sean Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together
Tweet 2
and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal house impeachment proceedings.
Ciaramella was initially identified on Oct. 30 as the suspected "whistleblower" in a RealClearInvestigations report by Paul Sperry.

Paul's line of questioning follows a Jan. 22 report by Sperry that Ciaramella "was overheard in the White House discussing with another staffer how to remove the newly elected president from office, according to former colleagues." Sperry reported,
Sources told RealClearInvestigations the staffer with whom Ciaramella was speaking was Sean Misko. Both were Obama administration holdovers working in the Trump White House on foreign policy and national security issues. And both expressed anger over Trump’s new “America First” foreign policy, a sea change from President Obama’s approach to international affairs.

“Just days after he was sworn in they were already talking about trying to get rid of him,” said a White House colleague who overheard their conversation.

“They weren’t just bent on subverting his agenda,” the former official added. “They were plotting to actually have him removed from office.”
Sperry's full report

Sperry reports that FACEBOOK has made good on

its threat to suppress posts that say ERIC CIARAMELLA.

John Durham, who is investigating "national security" plots against Trump, may have more to investigate here. It seems likely that NSC aides face more close questioning.

In a Fox News op-ed, Paul and Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fl., wrote, “As we move toward the end of the impeachment trial, it is imperative the American people remember that the President’s only true 'impeachable' offense was winning the 2016 election -- against all odds, and against the coordinated opposition of the establishments of both parties, the Bush and Clinton dynasties, the mainstream media, Wall Street, and the Deep State."
The Invisible Man comments:
A new question arises: Is the chief justice, an appointee of President George W. Bush, part of a failed plot to remove the President?

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