Saturday, September 5, 2020

Communists behind national protest push

An influential communist-dominated anti-Trump group is pushing for protests in 23 American cities, seeking to add fuel to the left-wing protests that have roiled the country throughout the summer.

The communistic group “Refuse Fascism” was organizing, nationwide, events in places like New York City, Cleveland, Philadelphia and the Hatfield Courthouse in Portland – where protests and riots have hit the federal property for more than 100 days.

Communists Sunsara Taylor and Andy Zee
organize mass action against President Trump

Hundreds gathered at Federal Plaza in Chicago Saturday afternoon, escorted by dozens of police officers.

Some wore Trump masks and some held signs that read, "Flush the turd." Other signs read "Trump/Pence out now," while some speakers said they won't wait until November to push to remove the Trump administration from power.

“We must make a living declaration to the world that we are uniting, we are organizing, we are determined, we are preparing to struggle with all we’ve got, starting now and not stopping until the Trump/Pence regime is driven from power and its fascist program brought to a halt," Andy Zee, a Refuse Fascism organizer, told WBBM 780 Radio. Zee, a communist, was reading from a slogan printed on the group's web page.

"Since impeachment, Trump has more and more declared himself to be above the law and to be the law," said Coco Das, another Refuse Fascism organizer. "What they're aiming for is a white-supremacist, Christian-supremacist, male-supremacist fascist America."

Das is a California writer who is an "editorial board member" of Refuse Fascism. Another Californian and Refuse Fascism organizer is Sunsara Taylor, who is an advocate of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA. Another board member is Zee, a New Yorker and promoter of the Revolutionary Communist Party.

According to a Wikipedia article on Taylor, Refuse Fascism and The World Can't Wait are associated with Revolutionary Communism, a Maoist movement. She has been a strident opponent of the anti-abortion movement, the pornography industry, and "U.S. imperialism."

Who is Sunsara Taylor

According to Taylor, she is an advocate for "the new synthesis on revolution and communism developed by Bob Avakian." The Revolutionary Communist Party is rooted in Red Chinese ideology. Trump Republicans assert that Chinese communists would be pleased if Joe Biden replaced Donald Trump as president.

Avakian is a political activist who has been the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA since 1979. While party chairman, Avakian developed the organization's official ideology, a theoretical framework rooted in Maoism, called "the New Synthesis" or the "New Communism."

Avakian was born in Washington, D.C., and grew up in Berkeley, California.

Aside from Chicago, protests were planned for Detroit, Houston and San Francisco. According to Reuters, the group has protests planned in 23 cities altogether.

Yesterday's Chicago demonstration was part of a number of protests from a multitude of groups through the summer that have primarily focused on systemic racism and alleged police brutality against black men – including George Floyd and Jacob Blake. While a number of protests have been peaceful, a significant number have devolved into rioting and looting.

It is a tried and true communist tactic to try to foment trouble in hopes of goading those in power into overreacting. Once that happens, the communists then have an opportunity to exploit the outrage of the people and to effectively propagandize them.

The Revolutionary Communists specifically aim for a pre-election revolution that topples Trump and "the fascists" from power. Presumably America would then come under a Red-controlled "dictatorship of the proletariat." Their stated goal also enables them to counter the charge that Biden represents the "fascist" oligarchy of globalist billionaires.

Cities including Chicago, Portland and Kenosha, Wis., have all seen devastating riots that have trashed property and businesses and seen police officers attacked and injured. A number of people have died violently during the disturbances.

On Friday, there were violent protests in Rochester, N.Y., in reaction to recently released police body-camera footage of the March arrest of Daniel Prude, a black man who died of asphyxiation a week later.

Rioters set fires, vandalized property and threw objects at police, who declared the unrest an unlawful assembly after the evening started peacefully, reports said.

More than 300 miles away, protesters in New York City also turned violent, resulting in an unspecified number of arrests, .

Such violence has become a key election issue, with both Trump and Democratic nominee Biden accusing each other of not doing enough to combat the violence.
Refuse Fascism site
Fox News story
Bob Avakian Insitute

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