Thursday, October 31, 2019

Crucify him! Crucify him!

The non-authorization non-impeachment inquiry vote, sort of...
The partisan House vote for "impeachment proceeding rules" is meant to steal the thunder of Republicans, who have been arguing that the Democrats are denying President Trump basic fairness and due process, while the vote at the same time gives Democrats from Trump-backing districts the ability to deny that they voted to approve a formal impeachment inquiry.

No doubt the Deep State"s Trump-bashing press will pick up the theme as they try to marshal public opinion behind the idea that Trump should cooperate with the inquiries -- which remain rigged kangaroo courts and fishing expeditions in which Democrats hope to dredge up something on the President by trolling through huge volumes of files.

It is plain that there is no thought of due process in the Democratic leadership. They are simply the instigators of a mob that is shouting, "Crucify him! Crucify him!"

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Report: CIA 'whistleblower' sought dirt on Trump

What Schiff and Pelosi have been busy concealing:

Eric Ciaramella's name surfaces
as White House analyst for Biden,
aide to Obama's security adviser Rice
and deputy to Trump-hating leftist Brennan

Mainstream media mum though they know
name of 'politically connected' Ciaramella,
who refuses to deny that he is the 'whistleblower'

A 2017 anti-Trump leak originated with Ciaramella,
who reportedly unrolled 'Putin-fired-Comey' narrative

Analyst huddled with colleagues
who joined Schiff's intel staff

Dem spook's Ukraine views clashed
with President's foreign policy

Oct. 30, 2019, 4:21 p.m. Eastern DST

For a town that leaks like a sieve, Washington has done an astonishingly effective job keeping from the American public the name of the “whistleblower" who triggered impeachment proceedings against President Trump — even though his identity is an open secret inside the Beltway.
Eric Ciaramella was a class of 2004 Connecticut prep student who progressed to Yale and the White House. Now he appears to be at the center of an impeachment storm.

More than two months after the official filed his complaint, pretty much all that’s known publicly about him is that he is a CIA analyst who at one point was detailed to the White House and is now back working at the CIA.

But the name of a government official fitting that description — Eric Ciaramella — has been raised privately in impeachment depositions, according to officials with direct knowledge of the proceedings, as well as in at least one open hearing held by a House committee not involved in the impeachment inquiry. Fearing their anonymous  witness could be exposed, Democrats this week blocked Republicans from asking more questions about him and intend to redact his name from all deposition transcripts.

RealClearInvestigations is disclosing the name because of the public’s interest in learning details of an effort to remove a sitting president from office. Further, the official's status as a “whistleblower” is complicated by his being a hearsay reporter of accusations against the President, one who has “some indicia of an arguable political bias … in favor of a rival political candidate" -- as Michael Atkinson, intelligence community inspector general, phrased it circumspectly in originally fielding the "whistleblower" complaint.

Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Ciaramella, a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House, previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia “collusion” investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Under a cloud, got White House boot
Further, Ciaramella (pronounced char-a-MEL-ah) left his National Security Council posting in the White House’s West Wing in mid-2017 amid concerns about negative leaks to the media. He has since returned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Va.

“He was accused of working against Trump and leaking against Trump,” said a former NSC official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Also, Ciaramella huddled for “guidance” with the staff of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, including former colleagues also held over from the Obama era whom Schiff’s office had recently recruited from the NSC. (Schiff is the lead prosecutor in the impeachment inquiry.)

And Ciaramella worked with a Democratic National Committee operative who dug up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, inviting her into the White House for meetings, former White House colleagues said. The operative, Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American who supported Hillary Clinton, led an effort to link the Republican campaign to the Russian government. “He knows her. He had her in the White House,” said one former co-worker, who requested anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter.

Documents confirm the DNC opposition researcher attended at least one White House meeting with Ciaramella in November 2015.  She visited the White House with a number of Ukrainian officials lobbying the Obama administration for aid for Ukraine.

With Ciaramella’s name long under wraps, interest in the intelligence analyst has become so high that a handful of former colleagues have compiled a roughly 40-page research dossier on him. A classified version of the document is circulating on Capitol Hill, and briefings have been conducted based on it. One briefed Republican has been planning to unmask the whistleblower in a speech on the House floor.

Amazing hush sweeps Washington
On the Internet, meanwhile, Ciaramella's name for weeks has been bandied about on Twitter feeds and intelligence blogs as the suspected person who blew the whistle on the President. The mainstream media are also aware of his name.

“Everyone knows who he is. CNN knows. The Washington Post knows. The New York Times knows. Congress knows. The White House knows. Even the President knows who he is,” said Fred Fleitz, a former CIA analyst and national security adviser to Trump, who has fielded dozens of calls from the media.

Yet a rare hush has swept across the Potomac. The usually gossipy nation’s capital remains uncharacteristically — and curiously — mum, especially considering the magnitude of this story, only the fourth presidential impeachment inquiry in U.S. history.

Trump supporters blame the conspiracy of silence on a “corrupt” and "biased” media trying to protect the whistleblower from due scrutiny about his political motives. They also complain Democrats have falsely claimed that exposing his identity would violate whistleblower protections, even though the relevant statute provides limited, not blanket, anonymity – and doesn’t cover press disclosures. His Democrat attorneys, meanwhile, have warned that outing him would put him and his family “at risk of harm," although government security personnel have been assigned to protect him.

“They’re hiding him,” Fleitz asserted. “They’re hiding him because of his political bias."

A CIA officer specializing in Russia and Ukraine, Ciaramella was detailed over to the National Security Council from the agency in the summer of 2015, working under Susan Rice, President Obama’s national security adviser. He also worked closely with the former vice president.

Federal records show that Biden’s office invited Ciaramella to an October 2016 state luncheon the vice president hosted for Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. Other invited guests included Brennan, as well as then-FBI Director James Comey and then-National Intelligence Director James Clapper.

Several U.S. officials told RealClearInvestigations that the invitation that was extended to Ciaramella, a relatively low-level GS-13 federal employee, was unusual and signaled he was politically connected inside the Obama White House.

Obama's Ukraine 'point man'
Former White House officials said Ciaramella worked on Ukrainian policy issues for Biden in 2015 and 2016, when the vice president was President Obama's "point man" for Ukraine. A Yale graduate, Ciaramella is said to speak Russian and Ukrainian, as well as Arabic. He had been assigned to the NSC by Brennan.

He was held over into the Trump administration, and headed the Ukraine desk at the NSC, eventually transitioning into the West Wing, until June 2017.

“He was moved over to the front office” to temporarily fill a vacancy, said a former White House official, where he “saw everything, read everything.”

The official added that it soon became clear among NSC staff that Ciaramella opposed the new Republican President’s foreign policies. “My recollection of Eric is that he was very smart and very passionate, particularly about Ukraine and Russia. That was his thing – Ukraine,” he said. “He didn’t exactly hide his passion with respect to what he thought was the right thing to do with Ukraine and Russia, and his views were at odds with the President’s policies.”

“So I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the whistleblower,” the official said.

In May 2017, Ciaramella went “outside his chain of command,” according to a former NSC co-worker, to send an email alerting another agency that Trump happened to hold a meeting with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office the day after firing Comey, who led the Trump-Russia investigation. The email also noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin had phoned the President a week earlier.

Contents of the email appear to have ended up in the media, which reported Trump boasted to the Russian officials about firing Comey, whom he allegedly called “crazy, a real nut job.”

In effect, Ciaramella helped generate the “Putin fired Comey” narrative, according to the research dossier making the rounds in Congress, a copy of which was obtained by RealClearInvestigations.

Ciaramella allegedly argued that “President Putin suggested that President Trump fire Comey,” the report said. “In the days after Comey’s firing, this presidential action was used to further political and media calls for the standup [sic] of the special counsel to investigate ‘Russia collusion.’ “

In the end, Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no conspiracy between Trump and Putin. Ciaramella’s email was cited in a footnote in his report, which mentions only Ciaramella’s name, the date and the recipients “Kelly et al.” Former colleagues said the main recipient was then-Homeland Security Director John Kelly.

Dad last to know?
Ciaramella left the Trump White House soon after Mueller was appointed. Attempts to reach Ciaramella were unsuccessful, although his father said in a phone interview from Hartford, where he is a bank executive, that he doubted his son was the whistleblower. “He didn’t have that kind of access to that kind of information,” Tony Ciaramella said. “He’s just a guy going to work every day.” The whistleblower's lawyers did not answer emails and phone calls seeking comment. CIA spokesman Luis Rossello declined comment, saying, “Anything on the whistleblower, we are referring to ODNI.” The Office of the Director of National Intelligence did not respond to requests for comment.

In his complaint, the whistleblower charged that the President used “the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.”  Specifically, he cited a controversial July 25 phone call from the White House residence in which Trump asked Ukraine’s new president to help investigate the origins of the Russia “collusion” investigation the Obama administration initiated against his campaign, citing reports that “a lot of it started with Ukraine," where the former pro-Hillary Clinton regime in Kiev worked with Obama diplomats and Chalupa to try to “sabotage” Trump’s run for president.

Later in the conversation, Trump also requested information about Biden and his son, since “Biden went around bragging that he” had fired the chief Ukrainian prosecutor at the time a Ukrainian oligarch, who gave Biden’s son a lucrative seat on the board of his energy conglomerate, was under investigation for corruption.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Intelligence Committee Chairman Schiff argued the whistleblower's complaint, though admittedly based on second-hand information, amounts to an impeachable offense, and they subsequently launched an impeachment inquiry that has largely been conducted in secret.

Schiff staff alerted before whistle blew
The whistleblower filed his “urgent” report against Trump with the I.C. inspector general on Aug. 12, but it was not publicly released until Sept. 26.

Prior to filing, he had met with Schiff’s Democratic staff for “guidance." At first, the California lawmaker denied the contacts, but later admitted that his office did, in fact, meet with the whistleblower early on.

Earlier this year, Schiff recruited two of Ciaramella’s closest allies at the NSC — both whom were also Obama holdovers -- to join his committee staff. He hired one, Sean Misko, in August — the same month the whistleblower complaint was filed.

During closed-door depositions taken in the impeachment inquiry, Misko has been observed handing notes to the lead counsel for the impeachment inquiry, Daniel Goldman, as he asks questions of Trump administration witnesses, officials with direct knowledge of the proceedings told RealClearInvestigations.

Dems to scrub partisan's name?
Republicans participating in the restricted inquiry hearings have been asking witnesses about Ciaramella and repeatedly injecting his name into the deposition record, angering Schiff and Democrats, who sources say are planning to scrub the references to Ciaramella from any transcripts of the hearings they may agree to release.

“Their reaction tells you something,” said one official familiar with the inquiry.

For example, sources said Ciaramella’s name was invoked by GOP committee members during the closed-door testimony of former NSC official Fiona Hill on Oct. 14. Ciaramella worked with Hill, another Obama holdover, in the West Wing.

During Tuesday’s deposition of NSC official Alexander Vindman, Democrats shut down a line of inquiry by Republicans because they said it risked revealing the identity of the whistleblower. Republicans wanted to know with whom Vindman spoke within the administration about his concerns regarding Trump’s call to Ukraine. But Schiff instructed the witness not to answer the questions, which reportedly sparked a shouting match between Democrats and Republicans.

Determined to keep the whistleblower's identity secret, Schiff recently announced it may not be necessary for him to testify even in closed session. Republicans argue that by hiding his identity, the public cannot assess his motives for striking out against the President. And they worry his political bias could color inquiry testimony and findings unless it’s exposed.

Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, asserted that the American people have the right to know the person who is trying to bring down the President for whom 63 million voted.

“It’s tough to determine someone’s credibility if you can’t put them under oath and ask them questions,” he said.

Added Jordan: “The people want to know. I want to get to the truth."

'No whistle blown on Ukraine graft'
In an open House Natural Resources Committee hearing last week, Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) seemingly out of left field asked a witness about “Eric Ciaramella of the Obama National Security Council,” in what the Washington press corps took as a bid to out the whistleblower. He later told a Dallas radio station he knew the whistleblower’s name. “A lot of us in Washington know who it is,” Gohmert said, adding that he’s a “very staunch Democrat” who was “supposed to be a point person on Ukraine, during the time when Ukraine was its most corrupt, and he didn’t blow any whistles on their corruption."

The Washington Post ran a news story over the weekend critical of Republicans for allegedly trying to “unmask” the whistleblower, for attempting to do the job journalists would normally do. Last week, the paper ran an op-ed by the whistleblower’s attorneys claiming he was no longer relevant to the inquiry and beseeching the public to let their client slip back into obscurity.

For its part, the New York Times ran a story last month reporting details about the whistleblower’s background, but stopped short of fully identifying him, suggesting it didn’t know his politics or even his name. “Little else is known about him,” the paper said. [A search of the Times' website Thursday yielded nothing for Ciaramella -- The Invisible Man.]

Democrats plan a House vote Thursday (Oct. 31) on new impeachment-inquiry rules that would give Republicans for the first time the ability to call their own witnesses -- with the catch that their requests must first be approved by the Democrats. So there is a good chance the whistleblower, perhaps the most important witness of all, will remain shielded from critical examination concerning his high-level political ties to Democrats.
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Plan for a streamlined gospel

Not meant to supersede, but only to evangelize modern people, in particular Americans.

Deep State mole?

Version 2

It is unfortunately a truism that the real CIA has numerous operatives doing its bidding while wearing Pentagon uniforms. This truism in particular holds for those who obtain much sought-after national security jobs.

It is quite curious that the two principal accusers of President Trump are plugged in to the national security apparatus. In the first case we have the still hidden leaker and supposed whistleblower, who is a CIA officer who evidently worked as Joe Biden's briefer when he was vice president.

The man who is -- allegedly -- filling in gaps in the White House transcript, Alexander Vindman, is an Army lieutenant colonel on a career track in the national security area. Such persons are almost always fronting for the CIA. The CIA is their meal ticket. The agency is the gatekeeper, and these people know that to get ahead they must serve that master, even though not officially.

The Intercept defends Vindman as a naturalized American  who as a child fled the Soviet persecution of Jews. The opinion/news service avers that as a decorated Iraq War veteran -- all officers are routinely decorated, otherwise they don't advance -- who advises the National Security Council on Ukraine and Russia, the GOP is hitting him below the belt with smears. Sean Hannity of Fox News, however, complemented Vindman on his service while casting doubt on what was going on.

An obvious point is being overlooked: Vindman's background may tend to give him a strong dislike of the authoritarian regime of ex-KGB officer Vladimir Putin. Would this dislike put him in the corner of the "Russia collusion" Democrats? Was the colonel one of the covert members of Trump's team who were determined to resist him -- on grounds of being too soft on Russia in the eyes  of hard-liners and phony hard-liners? Would this have tended to tilt Vindman in favor of damaging Trump publicly? There is an obvious question, though not proof, of inherent bias.

Vindman's background should be checked to see whether there are previous indications of distaste for Trump's Russia policies.

It will be interesting to see what other actual or suspected CIA people are pushed forward to help Adam Schiff misuse the Intelligence Committee to conduct a smear campaign. Quite interesting that the California Democrat who heads the committee is abusing intelligence powers in very much the same way that Democrat appointees in the intelligence agencies abused power in hopes of derailing Trump

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

First fake news, now a fake impeach process

House Democrats dodged authorizing an impeachment inquiry -- specifically asserting that their latest resolution is not an authorization for impeachment proceedings.

Instead their resolution would authorize several committees to "continue" their impeachment inquiry. However, Republicans countered that there never was an impeachment inquiry, as it was never authorized by a House vote. Hence the latest resolution is fake on its face, as it would OK continuing something that never existed.

Democrats assert this latest resolution will permit President Trump's team to challenge witnesses and give him other due process rights. But Republicans argue that that is nothing but public relations rhetoric. If Democrats approve a fake impeachment resolution, are they not likely to offer Trump and his GOP allies fake due process?

In fact, it has been pointed out that the proposed resolution gives House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and the heads of the other "impeachment" panels the right to veto any Republican attempts to call witnesses, subpoena evidence or make other due process moves in defense of the President.

Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican who heads the Senate Judiciary Committee, called the resolution a "joke" that grants merely a "crumb of due process." The senator pointed out to Sean Hannity, the Fox News commentator, that the resolution permits Schiff's committee to continue to deny Trump legal counsel during closed door hearings.

Graham slammed the impeachment drive as a crusade being waged by "sore losers" and predicted a "backlash that is going to be wide and deep" in the 2020 elections.

What the fake impeachment resolution shows is that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi still could not muster enough votes for a real impeachment inquiry authorization. She knew that a hefty group of Democrats would side with Republicans in voting no.

The White House is liable to continue to reject any cooperation with the inquiry, based on the Republican assertion that the resolution, which comes up for a vote Thursday, only continues something that was fake in the first place.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Pelosi to Dems: I demand that Trump be impeached

By prejudging President, Speaker ensures a charade
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has already announced the outcome of the House impeachment inquiry, before lawmakers even vote to authorize it.  She has conveyed to her party that President Trump is guilty of the counts of impeachment she expects to be written.

Last month she said that  "the president must be held accountable" for his "betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security, and the betrayal of the integrity of our elections." Evidently she expects that these are to be the three counts of impeachment approved by House Democrats after a period of political posturing.

Yet, the House judiciary and intelligence committees had only begun preliminary investigations when Pelosi announced Trump's guilt. Betrayal of the oath of office is a fairly sweeping allegation, which only makes sense if the other two of her claims are true. Yet she knew very well that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had found no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russian government.

Insofar as undermining national security, Pelosi cited no evidence and did not mention anything that has appeared in the press. But she herself was involved in a terrific national security scandal for which she merited impeachment and removal. The "liberal" Democrat was one of the few people in Washington who were kept fully informed on the massive NSA program to vacuum up telephone records of all Americans that was exposed by Edward Snowden. Did she urge President Obama to cease and desist from this outrageous affront to American liberty? Not at all. She dutifully played along, and when caught, did some fancy footwork to dodge responsibility for her oversight failure.

She is an archetypical front person for the Deep State, which is pulling out all the stops to resurrect its Red China-favoring globalism.

Pelosi and many other Deep State flunkies are doing the bidding of China's powerful Communist Party, which is running a dangerous Communist conspiracy in America. One person the Reds want out of the way is Donald Trump. As Fox Commentator Laura Ingraham observed, Trump is a "moderate" with respect to China. Unlike a growing number of Americans, he doesn't favor cutting ties with Beijing.  But the Reds have been used to pushovers in the White House, including both George Bushes, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. The Reds are teaming up with the globalist establishment and the real CIA to maneuver their nemesis out of their way.

Tip: If the impeachers get too out of control, Trump should threaten to cut all ties with China. See how fast the whole show comes to a screeching halt.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Google, unlike other engines, squelches anthrax story

A lot of people who are seen as a threat to the drive to oust President Trump have found that Google's "algorithms" stifle their messages. For example, Tulsi Gabbard is seen by Hillary Clinton as someone who threatens establishment Democratic candidates with a third party potential. Interestingly, Google silenced the Gabbard campaign at a key point, she says.

Google accused of Gabbard account hanky panky

I have often said that I believe that Google, and-or its Deep State allies, have been monkeying with my work in ways designed to limit it. Below are searches on Bing, DuckDuckGo, Dogpile and Google for this blog, using the key-phrase "Invisible Man XaX."

The three non-Google searches were partly disappointing, because there was nothing from 2019, whereas Google does have some posts from 2019. BUT the more interesting point is that all three non-Google engines displayed my investigative report on the botched, or worse, anthrax investigation. Google blanked it out. I have to think that Google executives may have not wanted that story bruited about too much because it reflected badly on Robert Mueller, on whom the Deep State had pinned its hopes as a knight in shining armor, come to vanquish the evil usurper.

Note Nov. 2, 2019: After this post appeared, Bing, DuckDuckGo and DogPile all removed the anthrax post and replaced it with two 2019 posts. In several cases, the topic of the post was blanked out, though in two cases a post about Julian Assange was highlighted.


  • The Invisible Man XaX: June 2017
    Jun 15, 2017 · The Invisible Man XaX Out of the silent deep ('XaX' is included as a search aid, though it won't help if the search engine has been dishonestly tweaked.) Thursday, June 15, 2017. Dirty tricks against the press. I republish this post as a complement of my post below on Luke Harding's expose of dirty tricks against the working press.
  • The Invisible Man XaX: July 2017
    Jul 22, 2017 · The Invisible Man XaX Out of the silent deep ('XaX' is included as a search aid, though it won't help if the search engine has been dishonestly tweaked.) Saturday, July 22, 2017. A new look: Feds twisted facts to pin anthrax blame on ailing scientist.
  • DuckDuckGo:
  • The Invisible Man XaX: A new look: Feds twisted facts to pin ...

    The Invisible Man XaX Out of the silent deep ('XaX' is included as a search aid, though it won't help if the search engine has been dishonestly tweaked.) Saturday, July 22, 2017. A new look: Feds twisted facts to pin anthrax blame on ailing scientist

  • Dogpile:

    The Invisible Man XaX: A new look: Feds twisted facts to ...
    The Invisible Man XaX Out of the silent deep ('XaX' is included as a search aid, though it won't help if the search engine has been dishonestly tweaked.) Saturday, July 22, 2017. A new look: Feds twisted facts to pin anthrax blame on ailing scientist


    Jul 9, 2019 - The Invisible Man XaX. Out of the silent deep. ('XaX' is included as a search aid, though it won't help if the search engine has been dishonestly ...
    You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/6/19
    The pronoun I generally indicates that the self is the actor, whereas the pronoun me generally indicates that the self is being or will be acted upon. I tends to fit ...

    Web resultsAugust 2019 - The Invisible Man XaX

    August 2019 - The Invisible Man XaX › 2019/08

    Aug 29, 2019 - Upon reading the Newsbusters report above, I tried to gain access to the page (link below) in various ways via Google but was barred.
    You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 10/17/19
    Jul 26, 2019 - In the Elizabethan period, Renaissance English enjoyed a vigorous and robust growth, with numerous neologisms introduced to the reading ...

    Thursday, October 24, 2019

    Senate to House impeach drive: Drop dead

    The powerful head of the Senate Judiciary Committee teamed up with the Senate majority leader to send a strong message, backed by 46 Republicans, to the House: Your impeachment effort, if it continues without due process, is dead on arrival.

    The vote in favor of the GOP resolution means there is very little chance the Senate would muster the two-thirds super majority needed to oust a president.

    Graham's resolution, co-sponsored by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, effectively means that the House is merely going through the motions -- as any impeachment it sends to the Senate, barring some extraordinary development, is already facing a very high barrier.

    Though some Republicans, such as Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, balked at backing Graham's denunciation of the House's secret "kangaroo court," the vote makes clear that those few House Democrats who openly promote the impeachment theme face an uphill battle, despite the eagerness of much of the legacy media.

    Image result for lindsey graham chairman
    Lindsey Graham
    sends House a message.

    At a Washington press conference Graham said that  "the purpose of the resolution is to let the House know that the process you’re engaging in regarding the attempted impeachment of President Trump is out of bounds. It’s inconsistent with due process as we know it. It’s a Star Chamber type inquiry and it’s a substantial deviation from what the House has done in the past regarding impeachment of other presidents."

    The South Carolina lawmaker drew attention to a previous attempt, in 2017, to bring impeachment action against Trump when Rep. Al Green, Texas Democrat, "wanted to open up an impeachment inquiry, which is the right way to do it, by the way; 137 Democrats voted with the GOP against impeaching President Trump -- not one Republican for an inquiry. And what happened is that the attempt to open up an inquiry of impeachment against President Trump failed miserably." Graham accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats of creating "a new process that I think is very dangerous for the country."

    He added that instead of the Judiciary Committee  looking at a potential impeachable offense, "they’ve created a process in the Intel Committee that’s behind closed doors, doesn’t provide access to the President’s accuser, shuts Republicans out for all practical purposes and is an unworthy substitute for the way you need to do it, is at its core un-American."

    Graham compared the current process with President Bill Clinton's impeachment fight.  "In 1998, in October we had an impeachment inquiry vote on the floor of the House" that included the backing of 31 Democrats. Graham then recited a catalog of rights that the House afforded to Clinton, his team and members of the minority.

    Graham added, "What’s going on is they run around the impeachment process creating a secret proceeding behind closed doors, that fundamentally is in my view, denies due process, and when you’re talking about removing the President of the United States, seems to me you’d want to have a process that is consistent with who we are as Americans.

    "And consistent with what Bill Clinton was allowed to do, Richard Nixon was allowed to do and the process in the House today, I think, is danger to the future of the presidency. Because if you can drive down a president’s poll numbers by having proceedings where you selectively leak information, where the president, who’s the subject of all of this, is pretty much shut out. God help future presidents."

    The Graham-McConnell resolution means, said Graham, that if House Democrats believe they have a case against Trump, they should "vote to open up an inquiry, allow Republicans to have a say, make sure the President is allowed to participate in a meaningful manner, like we did in the past. That’s the way to do it. What you’re doing today, in my view, is unfair to the President, and is dangerous to the presidency."

    Reporters questioning Graham in general appeared to favor the House Democrat point of view.  

    Washington braces for spooks taking 5th

    As John Durham's inquiry shifts into a full-blown criminal investigation, Washington faces the bizarre spectacle of CIA officers availing themselves of their 5th Amendment right to remain silent on their knowledge of any chicanery behind the federal surveillance of the Trump campaign.

    Durham opened a criminal inquiry in his investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation and into the conduct of the Justice Department, FBI and intelligence system during their scrutiny of purported connections between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. By launching a criminal probe, the federal prosecutor gains the power to subpoena witnesses, impanel one or more grand juries and to seek indictments.

    Photo of U.S. Attorney John H. Durham
    John Durham
    closes in on spookdom

    CIA officials have expressed alarm at developments, according to the Washington Examiner. It has been reported that CIA employees are "lawyering up" in preparation for questioning by Durham's team. It is standard practice for defense lawyers to urge their clients not to speak with prosecutors -- unless they have some sort of plea bargain. Hence it will be difficult for the intelligence professionals to avoid shielding themselves with the 5th Amendment, regardless of the political consequences to the get-Trumpers in the Deep State.

    The Examiner reported earlier this week that the hush-hush special Justice Department inquiry includes scrutiny of former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, and commercial spy Christopher Steele, who formerly worked for the British intelligence agency MI6.

    Durham's investigative portfolio was recently expanded to include not only circumstances of the launch of the Russiagate inquiry in 2015 or 2016, but to cover events through Robert Mueller's appointment as a special counsel in 2017. The prosecutor, who is U.S. attorney for Connecticut, has taken overseas fact-finding trips with Attorney General William Barr, who was given “full and complete authority to declassify information” related to the origins of the Trump-Russia inquiry in May.

    Love of money forced Judge Nap off bench

    Napolitano shed his robes
    in furor over emoluments
    that he wanted to pocket

    Image result for judge napolitano
    Andrew Napolitano: Justice -- or just cash?

    Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    Victims of communism? Google alerts has nothing


    Monitor the web for interesting new content
    victims of communism  
    There are no results for the query.
    Once new results are published on the web they will appear here.

    Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    Big Brother gears up with 5G

    James Corbett reports:

    Build the Assange Party. Tilt the next election

    I propose that we establish activist political parties in America and worldwide that use the name Assange. They would promote justice for Assange, protection of whistleblowers and truthtellers, libertarian values.
    Though initially small, they would pose a threat to established parties. In the upcoming presidential election in America, the Assange Party might tip the balance.

    Defend liberty, boycott Apple and IPhone

    Total victory over Communism.
    Lawmakers chastise execs who kowtow to Reds

    Saturday, October 19, 2019

    Top Dems undermine America as dupes of Putin

    Clinton, Pelosi assets of Russia
    as they weaken the nation with
    their impeachment assault

    Image result for nancy pelosiImage result for hillary clinton
    Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton take wrecking ball to nation

    What is it that gives Vladimir Putin a great deal of satisfaction, according to U.S. intelligence bosses? To see America weakened by polarizing political fights. The busier we are with such trivia, the more the country's leadership -- in particular the President -- is hamstrung from effectively countering Russian maneuvers on the global chessboard.

    By putting so much emphasis on their desire to see President Trump impeached, the two women are falling right into Putin's trap. This is especially ironical for Clinton, who has been trying to jostle Tulsi Gabbard, who is a bonafide Democratic candidate, out of her way, terming Gabbard a "Russian asset," as Clinton waits in the wings ready to dash on stage as the "savior" of the Democratic Party.

    The fact that Pelosi could not muster enough votes for a genuine impeachment inquiry also plays into Putin's hands. Pelosi and the Democrats are providing a media circus that is doing America little good. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, hopes to limit the damage by having a Senate trial completed before the Christmas holidays. But it seems likely that Pelosi will put off a Democratic party-line vote of impeachment until well into next year's election season, hoping to damage Trump and the Republicans before they have a good chance to recover as election day draws near.

    All the better for Vlad and his ex-KGB cronies.

    Trump critics blast Clinton's 'Russian asset' attacks

    Vlad doubtless agrees with Andrew McCarthy, who argues that American liberty is under fire.

    McCarthy's The Trivialization of Impeachment appears in National Review:

    Victim of Deep State?

    Maybe yes, maybe no -- though murder is a strong possibility
    Image result for dorothy kilgallen
    Hearst columnist Dorothy Kilgallen died in November 1965 of an overdose before she could publish her book exposing suppressed facts about the Kennedy assassination. Her file of notes on the murder vanished.

    Kilgallen visited New Orleans looking into the case weeks before her death. New Orleans at that time was swarming with mobsters -- including the powerful Carlos Marcello -- CIA operatives and assorted other federal agents, as America learned as a result of District Attorney Jim Garrison's investigation into a conspiracy against Kennedy.

    A longtime family servant said later that federal agents swarmed the house before the city detective arrived, and was told to keep quiet about their carting off her papers. Though the man's family, who lived with him in the Kilgallen townhouse, vouched for him, it seems strange that James Kilgallen would have sat by idly accepting such activity -- unless he arrived after they left but before the city detective.

    It has been conjectured that Marcello had Kilgallen killed, but her death also benefited numerous other power players in the Deep State of the era. On the other hand, her husband, Richard Kollmar, was not investigated by New York City police, though Kollmar had motive: a bad marriage and Kilgallen's rewrite of her will. Kollmar said at one point that he planned to destroy Kilgallen's JFK notes because they had already brought so much trouble. He didn't say what that trouble was.

    An overlooked possibility for the coverup of the death circumstances may have to do with her parents' traditional Irish Catholicism. (In fact she had stayed married to Kollmar because in that era a divorce scandal could have wrecked her career, especially triggering the disappointment of many admiring Irish.)

    Kollmar allegedly found her in the bedroom she never shared with him, her situation in bed appearing to have been staged. Rather than call the police right away, he called the columnist's devoted father, Hearst veteran James Kilgallen, who came over. The two men met an inexperienced young detective about two hours after death. A very cursory investigation was done and the Brooklyn medical examiner signed the death certificate, possibly implying a fast shuffle of some sort, her townhouse being in Manhattan.

    What may well have concerned her father was the potential of death attributed to suicide. The family were devoted Catholics and it seems likely he was anxious to avoid such a taint. In those days, Catholics were told that suicides inevitably went to hell.

    Hence one can conjecture that James Kilgallen used his clout with the Hearst press to arrange a skimpy investigation that dodged that possibility, rather attributing death to accidental overdose of sleeping pills potentiated by alcohol. As it turns out, one medical examiner later came to the conclusion that Dorothy Kilgallen had been murdered by overdose.

    Be that as it may, it appears that there is a substantial likelihood that the senior Kilgallen's evident desire to avoid scandal scotched any chance of finding her killer(s), if any.

    Ironically, Richard Kollmar, an alcoholic, killed himself a few years after his wife died.
    My information on Kilgallen is from writer Mark Shaw.

    Friday, October 18, 2019

    Press dummies up for the control freaks

    Media boycott of UN report on Assange torture
    underscores existence of Deep State conspiracy

    Though the Leftwing analysis below does not use the term Deep State, these socialists have always insisted on the existence of such an entity, if by other names. Please find Invisible Man's note on conservatives Rand and Ron Paul appended to the bottom of this post.

    World Socialist Web Site
    Oct. 18, 2019

    In a press briefing at the United Nations headquarters in New York on October 15, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer restated his assessment that WikiLeaks’ publisher Julian Assange has been subjected to an unprecedented campaign of persecution that amounts to “torture.”

    The UN finding, first issued in May, and updated by Melzer at the briefing, should have provoked banner headlines in the major newspapers in the U.S., Britain and internationally.

    Melzer’s warnings carry the weight and authority of a UN official and an internationally-respected legal expert. They concern Assange, the world’s most famous persecuted journalist, who has done more than any publisher to expose the brutal realities of imperialist war, diplomatic intrigue and pervasive CIA surveillance.

    As it was, footage aired by the Russian-funded RT outlet showed a grand total of four people in the audience, surrounded by rows of empty chairs. To date, the RT article, and an accompanying video, appears to be the only report on the briefing by any media outlet in the world.

    If Melzer had been condemning the persecution of journalists in Iran, Russia, China, or another country in the crosshairs of U.S. imperialism, he would have been surrounded by dozens of reporters from the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian and other conduits for the intelligence agencies. They doubtless would have published stories, warning in sombre tones of an assault on the media and insisting on the necessity to defend press freedom.

    Because Assange is being targeted by the U.S. government and its allies, including Britain and Australia, for his role in revealing American war crimes, the establishment media simply did not show up.

    The press boycott is all the more striking given that even corporate publications have acknowledged that if Assange is extradited from Britain to the U.S., it will establish a precedent for journalists anywhere in the world to be hauled before U.S. courts for the “crime” of publishing true and newsworthy information that the American government sought to conceal.

    The New York Times and the Washington Post, moreover, have noted that the 17 Espionage Act charges that have been levelled against Assange by the Trump administration pose a direct threat to the U.S. Constitution’s press freedom protections, and could be used against other publications in the future—including their own.

    The silence on Melzer’s remarks can therefore only be understood as a political decision, aimed at suppressing any public discussion on Assange’s persecution, in the lead-up to court hearings next February that will rule on his extradition from Britain to the U.S.

    Melzer explained that when he visited Assange in May he was accompanied by two medical experts. “We came to the conclusion that he had been exposed to psychological torture for a prolonged period of time,” the UN rapporteur stated. “That's a medical assessment.”

    Image result for nils melzer
    Nils Melzer

    Speaking of his recommendations, addressed to the U.S., British, Swedish and Australian governments, Melzer said: “We asked for involved states to investigate this case and to alleviate the pressure that is being placed on him and especially to respect his due process rights, which in my view have been systematically violated in all these jurisdictions.”

    Melzer stated: “Unfortunately none of those states agreed to conduct an investigation, although that is their obligation under the convention on torture.”

    In official letters to those governments in May and June, Melzer had meticulously documented the way in which each of them had trampled upon Assange’s democratic and legal rights.

    The UN official reviewed the way in which bogus allegations of sexual misconduct were seized upon by the Swedish authorities to blacken Assange’s name and to create a pretext for his prolonged detention in Britain.

    In his letter to the Swedish government, Melzer wrote: “For almost nine years, the Swedish authorities have consistently maintained, revived and fueled the ‘rape’-suspect narrative against Mr. Assange, despite the legal requirement of anonymity, despite the mandatory presumption of innocence, despite the objectively unrealistic prospect of a conviction, and despite contradicting evidence suggesting that, in reality, the complainants never intended to report a sexual offence…”

    The rapporteur has condemned the British state for pursuing Assange relentlessly on the fraudulent pretext of a minor bail offense. Melzer has noted that since Assange’s illegal arrest by British police on April 11, the UK judiciary has denied his right to due process, as it prepares to hand the WikiLeaks’ founder over to his persecutors in the U.S.

    Most recently, British judges have decreed that Assange will remain behind bars indefinitely, despite his custodial sentence on the bail offenses having expired on September 22. In other words, he is explicitly being held as a political prisoner at the behest of the Trump administration.

    The ruling followed a warning from Assange’s father John Shipton that he fears his son may die in prison. Despite the deterioration of his medical condition, Assange has been held in conditions of virtual solitary confinement in the maximum-security Belmarsh Prison, without access to computers and legal documents necessary for preparing his defence.

    Melzer has also warned that Assange has no prospect of a fair trial in the United States, under conditions in which senior U.S. politicians have called for his assassination for exposing American war crimes and global diplomatic conspiracies. He has denounced the Australian government for failing to defend Assange, despite the fact that he is an Australian journalist and citizen.

    All of the governments involved responded to Melzer with evasive letters, blithely dismissing his charges and asserting that their pursuit of the Assange was entirely lawful. The response underscores the extent to which the protracted persecution of the WikiLeaks’ founder has involved the trampling on international norms and institutions.

    The media censorship of Melzer’s press briefing further demonstrates that the corporate publications are complicit partners in the attacks against Assange. For years, they have trumpeted every slander against him that has been concocted by the U.S. government, its allies and the intelligence agencies.

    In his report last May, Melzer noted that the corporate media bears its own share of responsibility for the torture inflicted on Assange, having enthusiastically participated in what the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture aptly described as “public mobbing.”

    The Invisible Man comments:

    The Pauls accept some Left criticism of Deep State

    The libertarian Rand Paul, like his father Ron Paul, have affirmed their willingness to work with the Left on some issues, such as the Assange case, on the ending of undeclared "endless war" and on the perils of crony capitalism (which is at the heart of the Deep State). Of course, the Pauls and other libertarians are in complete disagreement with the Left on  the solutions to most economic and social issues.

    On March 20, 2018, Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican, said , "Absolutely there is a Deep State because the deep state is that the intelligence communities do not have oversight." He continued, "There is no skeptic" among the four Republican and four Democratic senators "who are supposedly" providing oversight, so that the intelligence communities, "with their enormous power ... have become a Deep State." On Dec. 4, 2018, Paul, in commenting on the CIA director briefing only those eight senators rather than the entire Senate, added, "The Deep State wants to keep everyone in the dark. This is just ridiculous!" On Dec. 10, 2018, he said "The very definition of a 'Deep State’ is when the very people, congressional leaders – people who are elected by the people – are not allowed to hear the intelligence."

    We see the media-intelligence nexus in the Assange case. Assange's publication of reputed CIA documents was used by then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo as a reason to tag Assange as a Russian agent (the same smear used against President Trump by intelligence system dupes), followed by a U.S. government drive to exact revenge by classing legal acts as illegal acts under a century-old U.S. secrets law that has never been used against journalists, except in the case of two men who passed defense information to the Israeli government -- though those charges were eventually dropped because of concerns about the impact on the rights of free press.

    From the beginning, that case against the lobbyists for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee was highly unusual. The two, Steven J. Rosen and Keith Weissman, were charged under the World War I-era Espionage Act, accused of improperly providing to colleagues, journalists and Israeli diplomats sensitive information they had acquired by speaking with American policy makers.

    Though the FBI was irked at the Justice Department's decision in 2009 to drop those charges, that decision came as no surprise in light as a series of adverse judicial decisions made successful prosecution increasingly dubious, according to the New York Times.

    Still, it has been evident that a number of federal judges are in league with "the Resistance," and have been issuing activist, politically tainted rulings. In fact, the federal judiciary has for long been entangled with the Deep State. So we cannot be overly confident that the Espionage Act won't now be upheld as a useful tool against those deemed "enemies of the state."

    A problem with the targeting of Assange, is that it gives segments of the Left and Right ammunition to charge that those associated somehow with foreign political influence are in better shape if the country in question is Israel, as opposed to Russia (though Assange has never been convincingly shown to have been in league with the Kremlin).

    A large swathe of media has been derelict in its duty to defend the First Amendment for everyone. Some sectors are doubtless working directly with intelligence agencies, while others are in an alliance with these agencies based on a foolish desire of the limousine liberal media brass hats to exact revenge on Assange for possibly spoiling Hillary Clinton's chance to win by his publication of caches of emails of Democratic Party officials. The idea was that it was OK to seek his scalp because of his being a witting tool of the Kremlin. Of course, many of these media elite don't seem to understand that the working press, like cops (or even CIA agents) get important information from those with axes to grind. That's how it works. Go back to J school, guys.

    Corbett: ABC's fake video news is tip of iceberg!/v/corbettreport/2xvm22ggf4z

    Alternative media commentator James Corbett said the establishment media system has no credibility to lose and mocked commentator Greta Van Susteren for lamenting ABC's lapse as coming from a hypocritical "liar."

    Yahoo News barely pretends to be objective
    I use Yahoo for one of my email accounts ( and so see Yahoo's home page frequently. Aside from playing up a lot of "women's interest" news, Yahoo can be relied upon to lead with anything that makes it look as though Trump is losing politically and the get-Trump crowd is prevailing.

    We must attribute this attitude to the parent company, Verizon Media (which also owns the liberal HuffPost).

    Example of slanted coverage
    In an Oct. 19 lead Yahoo story by  Sharon Bernstein  about a war of words between Democratic presidential aspirant Tulsi Gabbard and Hillary Clinton, the reporter repeatedly tags Gabbard as a "favorite" of Russian state media and "its surrogates," whoever they are. This in fact is Clinton's accusation.

    The Hawaii congresswoman and military veteran is fuming over these charges. While it is fair to report on Clinton's accusations, it is nothing but a smear to repeat them as known facts. How would Bernstein like to be characterized as a "favorite" smear artist for the Deep State? Not.

    Branding someone a Russian puppet because she favors a U.S. military drawdown in Syria -- as does Russia -- promotes the idea that Russia is now in control of what Americans may say. Thank you Hillary and your Reuters ally, Sharon.

    Even worse, in the eyes of the Reuters reporter, some people at Fox News are giving Tulsi a partial thumbs up. Hence, that makes her a Russian puppet and Fox icon -- meaning that Hillary's ally Sharon is trying to help Hillary delegitimize Tulsi as a proper Democrat.  And the Yahoo editor agrees.

    Verizon's CEO is Hans Vestberg, a Swedish businessman. Previously, Vestberg served as chief technical officer of Verizon. Before that he was CEO of the Swedish telecom Ericsson and was active in Swedish sports administration.

    I searched Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo trying to find the name of Yahoo's top managers. But all that was available was the fact that Marissa Mayer was bounced from the CEO spot in 2017. Are the top bananas in hiding? What are they? La Cosa Nostra?

    Some of the other digital brands under Verizon Media are AOL, Autoblog, Built By Girls, Engadget, Flurry, HuffPost, Kanvas, MAKERS Women,, RYOT, TechCrunch, Verizon Digital Media Services.

    From CNN (another Trump-is-always-wrong-no-matter-what basher), we learn that the Top 10 Owners of Verizon Communications Inc. are

    The Vanguard Group Inc., stake 7.70%
    BlackRock Fund Advisors 4.88%
    SSgA Funds Management, Inc. 3.93%
    Wellington Management Co. LLP 2.90%
    Geode Capital Management LLC1. 43%
    Capital Research & Management Co. 1.43%
    Northern Trust Investments, Inc. 1.30%
    Norges Bank Investment Management 1.01%
    Fidelity Management & Research Co. 0.98%
    Capital Research & Management Co. 0.94%

    Top 10 Mutual Funds Holding Verizon Communications Inc.:

    Vanguard, stake 2.79%;
    Vanguard 500 Index Fund 1.99%
    SPDR S&P 500 ETF 1.10%
    Vanguard Wellington Fund 1.08%
    Government Pension Fund - Global 1.01%
    Vanguard Institutional Index Fund 0.92%
    Washington Mutual Investors Fund 0.92%
    Fidelity 500 Index Fund 0.83%
    iShares Core S&P 500 ETF 0.75%
    American Funds Income Fund of America 0.72%

    A tally of all the "Vanguard" entities shows a total stake of 14.48% in Verizon. If the Wellington fund is included, the total rises to 17.38%. In either case, it appears that Vanguard holds a controlling interest in Verizon, and hence Yahoo.

    Mortimer J. Buckley is chairman and chief executive officer of Vanguard. Buckley joined Vanguard in 1991 and has held a number of senior leadership positions, including chief information officer. He has served as chairman of the board of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He holds an A.B. in economics from Harvard College and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.

    NEWS of the WORLD launched

    The Invisible Man is being folded into the new site, NEWS of the WORLD, which has begun operation. Though this Invisible Man site is ce...