Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Don't let the serfs overhear, dear

The banned Covid video

(It's rather long, and so I listened at 1.75 speed.)

After some 5 million Facebook shares, YouTube deleted this video of two doctors giving their opinion concerning Covid lockdowns. Supposedly the video was deleted because it doesn't follow WHO guidelines... What!?

I tried to find the video via Google, which owns YouTube. Nada of course. Also nothing via Bing or DuckDuckGo.

James Corbett scorns the video blockade

Tucker Carlson, another libertarian, lashes YouTube

May 1, 2020 update
Searches via Google and The New York Times indicate that the Times did not deem the controversy over YouTube's ban worth covering. Sometimes the paper will do a followup "after action report" in which it relates much context and many details left out of initial stories. Nothing so far.

The Times's media section includes a story on the the lawsuit by Harry and Meghan against the British tabloids, but nothing on the American uproar over YouTube's muzzling of two doctors whom its executives considered to be too persuasive.

Friday, April 24, 2020

New tech said to block viruses

A University of Louisville news release says that researchers have developed a technology that looks as though it can block the Covid virus and other viruses from entering human cells.

The researchers are seeking additional funding. One would think both state and federal agencies would be urgently interested in fast-tracking this research, assuming it passes preliminary inspection of other scientists.

Press release:
University of Louisville researchers have developed a technology that is believed to block the novel coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 from infecting human cells.

The technology is based on a piece of synthetic DNA – an “aptamer” –  which targets and binds with a human protein called nucleolin. Early tests show that this aptamer may stop viruses, including novel coronavirus, from “hijacking” nucleolin to replicate inside the body.  

U of L is seeking to fast-track development, including application to the Food and Drug Administration for approval to start treating patients seriously affected with Covid-19.  

The aptamer was discovered by U of L’s Paula Bates, John Trent and Don Miller, who have applied it in a variety of ways, most notably as a potential therapeutic drug against multiple types of cancer. With the current global pandemic of coronavirus and the Covid-19 disease it causes, Bates partnered with fellow researcher Kenneth Palmer to apply the technology once again.

“Like many scientists, as soon as I heard about the new coronavirus, I wanted to help and started to think about how my area of research might intersect with coronavirus research efforts,” said Bates, a professor of medicine. “I am fortunate to be at UofL, which is one of the few places in the country where we have the facilities to do experiments using the Sars-Cov-2 virus.”

Palmer, director of U of L’s Center for Predictive Medicine for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases (CPM), conducted proof-of-concept experiments showing the aptamer was effective against the virus at doses previous research has shown to be safe in patients. Palmer also is working on another potential Covid-19 treatment, Q-Griffithsin, developed at U of L in partnership with the National Cancer Institute and the University of Pittsburgh.

The CPM houses U of L’s Regional Biocontainment Laboratory, one of only 12 regional and two national biocontainment labs in the United States and the only one in Kentucky. Established with support from the NIH to conduct research with infectious agents, the lab includes Biosafety Level 3 facilities built to the most exacting federal safety and security standards. The stringently secure facilities protect researchers and the public from exposure to the pathogens being investigated.

U of L is providing financial support for Covid-19 research, but additional funds are needed to continue the work over time. 

Lawmakers huddle over gov's 'tyranny'

A furious row has erupted between the Democratic governor of Michigan and the Republican-dominated legislature  over the manner in which she has exercised emergency powers in the face of the Covid crisis, which has particularly affected her base in Detroit.

The capital of Lansing has been rocked by protests over what protesters see as extremism of the governor's lockdown order, which includes the roping off of areas of stores with goods she regards as non-essential.

The Legislature was holding a special session today in order to create an oversight committee to examine how Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has responded to the crisis as well as to consider bills that would strip the governor of some of her powers.

The extraordinary move, at a time when Whitmer is looking to extend her stay-home lockdown of the population past its May 1 expiration, is a sign of an escalating rift with Republicans in the Legislature who are alarmed that a continued straitjacketing of Michigan's economy will lead to a worse-than-Covid disaster. At present, 25 percent of her state's workforce is jobless.

She is regularly denounced as a "tyrant" but gets some support from members of her party.

House Speaker Lee Chatfield, R-Levering, said that "Michigan needs to handle this pandemic seriously yet properly," and added, "It’s what the people deserve, and we will see that it happens."

The Senate also will consider a pair of bills that would repeal the 1945 Emergency Powers of the Governor Act, which gives wide power to the governor to declare a state of emergency in times of “great public crisis.”

Another bill would amend the Emergency Management Act of 1976, which allows the governor to declare a state of emergency for up to 28 days, to reduce the number of allowable days to 14.

Even if the bills pass both the House and Senate, Whitmer has promised to veto the bills that were introduced in the wake of a protest that attracted thousands of people to Lansing to show their disdain for the stay-home orders.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Fauci agency funded Wuhan bat virus study

Gene-spliced pathogen very like Covid microbe

Josh Mitteldorf has a scientific background and is no dummy.

More archived pages

Wayback Machine: A Socratic dialog on abortion

Archive.Today: A Socratic Dialog on Abortion
Wayback Machine: 9/11 blasts still echo in tangled files

Archive.Today: 9/11 blasts still echo in tangled files
Wayback Machine: My about-face on the Shroud of Turin

Archive.Today: My about-face on the Shroud of Turin
Wayback Machine: Fox News: Trumpet of Israel's hard right

Wayback Machine: Fox News: Trumpet of Israel's hard right (on Angelfire)

Archive.Today: Fox News: Trumpet of Israel's hard right (also Angelfire)
Wayback Machine: AI, Star Wars and Quantum Computing (and other articles)
Archive.Today: Some Conant pages
Wayback Machine: U.S. severely distorted anthrax attack facts (OpEd News)
Wayback Machine: Drunk and disorderly: the rise of entropy
Wayback Machine: Joe McCarthy: Still making trouble

Archive.Today: Joe McCarthy: Still Making Trouble

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Pages I have loved and known:
Confessions of a narcissist

The strange truth seems to be that certain complex, biologically generated physical systems, of which each of us is an example, have rich non-physical properties.

Thomas Nagel
The View from Nowhere, Page 51

For a while, was permitting nondescript members of the public to archive up to 10 pages per month free. But now the outfit wants money, and so I no longer avail myself of its service. Below are some Conant pages archived there.

These days, when I happen to think of it, I archive pages via the Wayback Machine and Archive.Today. The latter service takes much longer than the former to copy a page, but the fact that it makes a short URL that does not contain the template page's URL may or may not be helpful.

I am very grateful to the unsung coders who rescued several of my pages from oblivion by mirroring them on the Wayback Machine. Not only is link rot a fact of life; so is account rot. I have been frozen out of numerous internet accounts over the years for various and sundry reasons, which is why I like to archive my pages along with others that may be of interest.

Some of Paul Conant's writings archived at as of Feb. 24, 2018.

Kosmic kiks: Appendix B. Experiments in synchronicity
Created February 24, 2018

Kosmic kiks: Appendix A: anecdotal accounts of synchronicity
Created February 24, 2018

Kosmic kiks: Toward a signal model of perception
Created February 24, 2018
Created February 24, 2018

Kosmic kiks: The knowledge delusion: A rebuttal of Dawkins
Created February 24, 2018

In death's borderland
Created February 24, 2018

The Invisible Man: A new look: Feds twisted facts to pin anthrax blame on ailing scientist
Created February 24, 2018

Kosmic kiks: The many worlds of probability, reality and cognition
Created February 24, 2018

Kosmic kiks: Socrates on abortion
Created February 23, 2018

Kosmic kiks: Ghost slips Ryle's grasp
Created February 23, 2018
Zion Calling: Where is Zion?
Created October 2, 2018
Zion Calling: Rethinking the Shroud controversy
Created October 2, 2018
Zion Calling: Brahman as Unknown God
Created October 2, 2018
9/11 blasts still echo in tangled files
Created October 2, 2018
How did the twin towers fall? Questions remain
Created October 2, 2018
Biotech or bioterror: a global dilemma
Created October 2, 2018
The worst of Hearst: 9/11 smear attack
Created October 2, 2018
Thumbnail of NIST's 9/11 scenario
Created October 2, 2018
Trade center collapse times: omissions and disparities
Created October 2, 2018
Energy sums for the twin towers
Created October 2, 2018
The case of the missing energy
Created September 2, 2018
9/11 collapse times and other issues
Created September 2, 2018
Scientists clash over 9/11 collapses
Created September 2, 2018
In death's borderland
Created September 2, 2018
AIDS doomsday by 2028?
Created September 2, 2018
Fire scientist questions 9/11 probe's professionalism
Created September 2, 2018
Greenspan's 9/11 skepticism
Created September 2, 2018
GOP insider: 9/11 fit White House plan
Created September 2, 2018
9/11 probers skipped key forensic tests
Created September 2, 2018
Psychotronic mind games
Created September 2, 2018

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Welfare for biz bigs could KO Trump, Pelosi

The trillion-dollar-plus stimulus plans OKd by Trump, Pelosi and McConnell could knock all three of them out of office.

Why? Because the law was so badly written that it provides free money to major businesses that don't need it. Major businesses on learning that grants -- not low-interest loans -- could be scooped up fast, no questions asked, siphoned off all the money that was meant for the mom-and-pop businesses across America. That's why they had to pass a second $480 billion handout law.

The GOP leader of the Senate, the Democrat leader of the House and the President are all up for re-election in November. Can you imagine the campaign ads aired by their opponents? This may prove a bipartisan massacre. If you voted for the bill Trump signed to give billions of free dollars away to businesses that didn';t need it, you face a good chance of being dumped.

Of course, the media and social controls are in danger of becoming so extreme that no public discusson is permitted of this hysteria-driven plundering of the taxpayer.

Naomi on Australia's 'CRAZY' lockdown

Linked is a YouTube video but I reached it through
the decentralized social media site
Brockwell's economic knowledge is, I observe, solid.
She is a believer in self-quarantine.

Keeping society shut till 'last case' is absurd, she says

Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media talks with Naomi Brockwell of Naomi Brockwell TV about the insanity of the lockdown in Australia as Australians are tracked down by helicopters in the wilderness and the government talks about enforcing a tracing application on phones.
We're from the government, and we're just trying to help.

Excellent panorama of Covid protests
by someone wary of lifting lockdowns

Scenes that Big Brother is shadow banning

The WeAreChange video commentator is leery of the goal of lockdown protesters. "Better safe than sorry," he says. But he is indignant at the authoritarian measures being used to block news and information about protests.

Thanks for the tip, Naomi!

Billy's Bitcoin] | Naomi Brockwell speaks with an alt-YouTube founder about his efforts to make a sharing system that is truly decentralized, while it is continuously tweaked to make it more user-friendly.

Naomi's LBRY channel
In the last few weeks, yet again a bunch of influencers were kicked off their video platforms. This has led many to search for alternatives where their content and their channels are safe and can’t be deleted.

One platform that stands out well above many others is, a truly decentralized, peer-to-peer app that doesn’t rely on a central server to store your data.

I discovered LBRY years ago when I covered the platform in a segment for the Stossel Show about the importance of keeping information free. I chat to CEO Jeremy Kauffman about how works, and why decentralization is important.

If you’d like to see the extended version of the interview where we talk about the secret algorithm and rating system exposed by “reclaim the net” of a major video platform that is shadow-banning certain users and promoting others, please head to the members content at

Hot tip to content creators: setting up an account on takes 2 mins, and it’s a great side-revenue stream.

My LBRY channel: 

VA study finds no benefit from malaria drug

The malaria drug hydroxychloroquine proved worthless in treating patients with severe Covid, federal doctors report.

The antibiotic Azithromycin, however, made a difference in mortality, say doctors working with the the Department of Veterans Affairs, which runs VA hospitals around the nation.

The study was based on treatments of 368 patients, but the work was not fully randomized. Still, the VA's results look quite strong.

The federal study concluded:
In this study, we found no evidence that use of hydroxychloroquine, either with or without azithromycin, reduced the risk of mechanical ventilation in patients hospitalized with Covid-19. An association of increased overall mortality was identified in patients treated with hydroxychloroquine alone. These findings highlight the importance of awaiting the results of ongoing prospective, randomized, controlled studies before widespread adoption of these drug,

Preprint of federal study

Monday, April 20, 2020

Colorado ratchets down Covid restrictions
as Dem governor lays out a specific plan

You're free to leave your house soon, gov says

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, yesterday outlined substantial easing, but not elimination, of the social distancing rules for businesses that have fettered the state's economy for the past month. Residents were told they were no longer required to stay home as of next Monday, though they were urged keep their travels to a minimum.

“Retail curbside delivery, any retail that wants to do that, that starts immediately April 27,”  Polis said. Other retail businesses would be allowed to open May 1 with some restrictions.

Elective surgeries would be allowed starting Monday, the governor said.

As of May 4 large workplaces will be allowed to open at 50 percent capacity, and are urged to check workers for symptoms and temperatures as they arrive on the job.

State Epidemiologist Rachel Herlihy said that in order to move forward without exceeding the state’s hospital capacity, Colorado needs to maintain some social distancing. She urged elderly Coloradans to be especially cautious. People should continue wearing masks in public, she said. The state will need to aggressively pursue detection and containment of Covid cases, Herlihy added.

As of Monday, Colorado had 10,106 cases of COVID-19, with 1,880 hospitalized and 449 deaths resulting from the disease.

CPR News account of Colorado action

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Commie lovers have ruined America

Stay inside, don't work,
let everything crash,
urge shills for Beijing

Laura Ingraham recites a litany of treason

Why do so many in the media act as though they are members of the Red China lobby?

Interesting, isn't it, that the leftwing press defends the Reds while bashing Trump, who is someone the Reds have clearly targeted for removal.

Think about this: The leftie press is moving heaven and earth to keep the economy closed down long enough to, they suppose, result in Trump's election defeat.

China is taking a few lumps economically, but nothing like what America is taking. Beipking can afford to take a few more lumps while its agents in Washington and New York shout responsible voices down. Once America crashes bad, who takes over the world?

Kansas gov dealt setback on church shutdowns

A federal judge last night granted an order temporarily restraining Kansas from enforcing Gov. Laura Kelly's church shutdown order. The state's top court last week gave the Democratic governor's order the all-clear.

"Today's judicial ruling is a much-needed reminder that the Constitution is not under a stay-home order and the Bill of Rights cannot be quarantined," said Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt, a Republican.

U.S. District Judge John W. Broomes issued the restraining order.

Schmidt had said previously that while Kelly's order was “sound public-health advice that Kansans should follow,” he was discouraging law enforcement agencies and prosecutors statewide from attempting to enforce the requirements. The pushback came with the question of constitutionality.

The lawsuit was filed by First Baptist Church in Dodge City and Calvary Baptist Church in Junction City and their pastors after the Kansas Supreme Court upheld Kelly's right to issue the edict without the consent of a panel of lawmakers, all of whom were Republican.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Is the 'Covid pandemic' a mass delusion?

A doctor outlines his theory

Is testing actually making things worse? A doctor charges that a common Covid test carries a false positive rate in excess of 80 percent.

Of course, Dr. Andrew Kaufman does not address the just-reported antibody testing (see previous post) used by Stanford researchers, which does seem to indicate widespread exposure to the Covid virus.

Kaufman holds no degrees in virology, epidemiology or infectious disease. But not altogether implausible is the psychiatrist's opinion on the potential for mass hysteria to balloon a public health problem into a pandemic.

In the linked video, Kaufman outlines his theory that exosomes, which our cells deploy to fight infections, are being mistaken for the virus.

He cites many diseases and disorders that might induce the Covid syndrome. In addition, Kaufman speculates about whether electromagnetic radiation from 5g networks might be one of the culprits.

Kaufman notes that the fear factor can have a substantial effect on some people, inducing or worsening diseases as is seen when stress triggers a flood of exosomes. We cannot be sure how many people, in response to journalistic hysteria, may have died -- really of fear -- when they were afflicted with a cold or flu (which is also dangerous if you need to be hospitalized for it).

Is it possible the crush of patients at hospitals resulted from the fear factor actually making people sick? I doubt that. But I don't doubt that the fear factor may have had a substantial impact -- as seen by the sudden drop-offs in hospitalizations, a fact which could reflect that people are, to quite a degree, calming down.

But not being an expert, I am unable to endorse or dismiss Kaufman's contrarian views.

Yet, I do not think that Kaufman's observations should be brushed off, either. It is quite possible that America's Covid fears are exaggerated as a result of bad data being used by public health officials.

Kaufman is in private practice in the Syracuse, N.Y., area and is accredited at the State University of New York Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse.

Is germophobia
the real disease?

Hope rises as Covid exposure is found widespread

A Stanford study was carried out in Santa Clara County, Cal., and may not be representative of the rest of the country -- but there is a good chance that it is representative, since one would not expect the virus to behave differently in Santa Clara than elsewhere.

The good news is that this tells us that the death rate for the overall population is very low (though it remains much higher for the infirm and the aged). A further piece of good news is that, at least in California, we may be seeing the beginnings of herd immunity, whereby so many people are immune to the virus that it has little chance of reaching someone who is not immune.

Abstract of the study

COVID-19 Antibody Seroprevalence in Santa Clara County, California

Eran Bendavid, Bianca Mulaney, Neeraj Sood, Soleil Shah, Emilia Ling, Rebecca Bromley-Dulfano, Cara Lai, Zoe Weissberg, Rodrigo Saavedra, James Tedrow, Dona Tversky, Andrew Bogan, Thomas Kupiec, Daniel Eichner, Ribhav Gupta, John Ioannidis, Jay Bhattacharya

This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.


Background Addressing COVID-19 is a pressing health and social concern. To date, many epidemic projections and policies addressing COVID-19 have been designed without seroprevalence data to inform epidemic parameters. We measured the seroprevalence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in Santa Clara County. Methods On 4/3-4/4, 2020, we tested county residents for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 using a lateral flow immunoassay. Participants were recruited using Facebook ads targeting a representative sample of the county by demographic and geographic characteristics. We report the prevalence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in a sample of 3,330 people, adjusting for zip code, sex, and race/ethnicity. We also adjust for test performance characteristics using 3 different estimates: (i) the test manufacturer's data, (ii) a sample of 37 positive and 30 negative controls tested at Stanford, and (iii) a combination of both. Results The unadjusted prevalence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in Santa Clara County was 1.5% (exact binomial 95CI 1.11-1.97%), and the population-weighted prevalence was 2.81% (95CI 2.24-3.37%). Under the three scenarios for test performance characteristics, the population prevalence of COVID-19 in Santa Clara ranged from 2.49% (95CI 1.80-3.17%) to 4.16% (2.58-5.70%). These prevalence estimates represent a range between 48,000 and 81,000 people infected in Santa Clara County by early April, 50-85-fold more than the number of confirmed cases. Conclusions The population prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Santa Clara County implies that the infection is much more widespread than indicated by the number of confirmed cases. Population prevalence estimates can now be used to calibrate epidemic and mortality projections

Competing Interest Statement

The authors have declared no competing interest.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Covid lags far behind killers
that have never shut down U.S.

As a killer of Americans, Covid lags far behind heart disease and cancer, according to CDC data.

Assuming that Covid has been highly active in the United States for about two and a half months (February, March and half of April), we can get a fairly good estimate of the total number of deaths to be expected in that period based on 2017 and 2018 figures.1 We get that by 2.5(2810000)/12 = 583000 for 2017 and 2.5(2840000)/12 = 592000 for 2018. Taking the average, we have 587,000 deaths as a very plausible number for a 2.5-month period.

The number of Covid deaths in America so far is 26,000. And 26,000/587000 is about 4.4 percent. That is, Covid is among the top killers of Americans, placing just ahead of flu/pneumonia with a 2 percent rate. The following percentages come from Medical News Today1, which gleaned them from the CDC's 2017 data.

Covid lags far behind heart disease, which accounts for 23.5 percent of deaths yearly in America, and cancer, which accounts for 21.3 percent. Accidental deaths, at 6 percent, outpace Covid. Also ranking ahead of Covid is chronic lower respiratory disease (COPD, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma) at 5.7%, and stroke and cerebrovascular disease at 5.2 percent.

Covid appears to nudge ahead of Alzheimer's, with its 4.3% rate. It also outpaces diabetes (3%), kidney disease (1.8%) and suicide (1.8%).

It is reasonable to believe that the Covid percentage is not exactly as calculated. But, there is no chance the actual percentage is anywhere near the percentage for the top  killers of Americans: heart disease and cancer.

So there is a serious question as to whether a disease that is far less of a killer than other causes of death ought to be viewed as a threat so menacing that society must be shut down. Society doesn't close down for any of the other top killers of Americans.
1. CDC: In 2018, a total of 2,839,205 resident deaths were registered in the United States—25,702 more deaths than in 2017.
2. Top causes of death in America

WPost scaremongers with bad stats

The Washington Post, using weekly, rather than the annual and adjusted annual figures that I used, ranks Covid as the Number 2 killer of Americans.

The Post's method is, I suggest, less accurate than mine because it is focused on an aberrational Covid death spike rather than likely longterm results. Curious that this "liberal" paper is seeking scary, sensationalist interpretations of data.

Liberal bias? Why the scare tactics?

Interstate commerce clause is cited
as giving Trump high hand -- analyst

Constitutional scholar Mark Levin argues that President Trump has a great deal of power to restart the economy, despite what some governors say.

Those governors cite the federalism argument, which says that states have a certain amount of sovereign power as specified in the 10th Amendment, which asserts, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

But, says Levin, the Constitution's interstate commerce clause takes precedence in a situation where the decisions of governors are having a massive affect on the nation's commerce, as shown by the fact that 10 percent of the nation's workforce has been made jobless. The commerce clause -- Article 1, Section 8 -- says,
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
That is, Congress -- not state governors or legislatures -- has power to regulate commerce among the states. As the person appointed to ensure enforcement of federal law, the President has power to see to it that states do not impede interstate commerce.

Levin pointed out that Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal was made possible by expansive interpretation of that clause by the Supreme Court, and he asserts that those precedents still hold.

So, insists the lawyer and television commentator, the current situation of heavy-handed shutdowns bespeaks a "one-way federalism" that does not exist under law. As a consequence, Trump has much more authority than the "federalist" governors seem to realize to overrule their shutdowns on the basis that they are interfering with the national economy.

Antiviral said to knock out Covid fast;
experts assail 'flawed' computer model

From Statnews:
A Chicago hospital treating severe Covid-19 patients with Gilead Sciences’ antiviral medicine remdesivir in a closely watched clinical trial is seeing rapid recoveries in fever and respiratory symptoms, with nearly all patients discharged in less than a week, STAT has learned.

Remdesivir was one of the first medicines identified as having the potential to impact SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19, in lab tests. The entire world has been waiting for results from Gilead’s clinical trials, and positive results would likely lead to fast approvals by the Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory agencies. If safe and effective, it could become the first approved treatment against the disease.

The University of Chicago Medicine recruited 125 people with Covid-19 into Gilead’s two Phase 3 clinical trials. Of those people, 113 had severe disease. All the patients have been treated with daily infusions of remdesivir.

“The best news is that most of our patients have already been discharged, which is great. We’ve only had two patients perish,” said Kathleen Mullane, the University of Chicago infectious disease specialist overseeing the remdesivir studies for the hospital.
The mortality rate of 1.6% is close to the rate for those who die in hospital of flu, though the figures are not precisely comparable.

In another Covid development reported by Statnews, many epidemiologists are harshly criticizing the Covid model used by White House experts, arguing that it has proved highly unreliable and hence dangerous for use in decision-making. White House experts had been using Covid death projections from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), which terms itself an "independent global health research center at the University of Washington."

This reporter, citing years of journalistic experience, can attest that epidemiologists tend toward iconoclasm, not being highly prone to agreement in their statements to the public.

Antiviral looks like a wonder drug

Flawed Covid model slammed

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The big lie: 'We don't know the denominator'

I suppose Aristotle or Bertrand Russell might say that the statement "We don't know the denominator" is true, when referring to the actual Covid mortality rate. But in the real world, that claim is a lie.

It may have been true in the first few days of the U.S. epidemic, but any official who claims that no one can know the percentage of their populace that is infected because of too few tests is either incompetent or lying.

Anyone who has taken a statistics course knows that we can get a pretty good bell curve with as few as eight random samples.

Ideally, we might like to have several hundred people selected pretty much at random for testing. Depending on the size of the sample, the confidence in the estimate of the number of people with the Covid virus can range from fairly sure to virtually certain.

The last I looked, 2,000 random samples would give a near 100 percent confidence level for the entire U.S. population. It's curious that the press uses popularity polls all the time that use that scientific method. But most in the media seem clueless here. They should be asking what these figures are. How do they change from week to week, whether nationally, or by state, county or metro region?

Public officials, mostly Democrats, who hurl abuse at President Trump over the purportedly insufficient number of tests available are either ignorant (they slept through their college statistics course) or recklessly concealing information from the public. Those governors who say they will base decisions on restoring liberty to their citizens don't even release basic scientific statistical data so that the scientists in their states and elsewhere may evaluate it.

In any case, from what I can tell, a number of the computer models that project epidemic numbers are using the wrong input data. The most basic input data should come from the percentages of the populace infected at two points in time. Hospitalization rates and "confirmed" Covid case rates and other such data constitute useful secondary data. If health officials are not doing the type of random sampling outlined above, then the models are, pretty much, junk. As they say in computer land, "Junk in = junk out."
In addition, the claim by the FDA and others that the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine could only be established by clinical trials is not altogether accurate. The best information would come from random trials. But here is a method that would give a pretty fair indication:

Poll a random sample of ICU chiefs with two questions. Do you routinely administer hydroxychloroquine for five or more days upon admission? What is the average ICU stay of your Covid patients -- regardless of chloroquine use? [In addition, it would be helpful to ask, Have you observed adverse side effects that you suspect result from use of hydroxychloroquine?]

One can then do a scatter plot and obtain a regression line showing whether there is a correlation between hydroxychloroquine use and length of stay in the ICU. One must quiz enough ICU chiefs in order to filter out specific local policies (by the tendency of minor causes to cancel) on ICU length of stay.
Ron Paul on the mounting backlash
Details of econ restart plan

Question: Will we need ID to prove we aren't vulnerable?
In other words, suppose, in Phase 1 of the White House plan, I am ambling about. I am in the senior citizen age bracket, as is apparent from my craggy, saggy face. Will police officers be checking my ID in order to verify that I am permitted to be out and about? This should be a silly question, but in the current atmosphere, it isn't, especially because different governors will be deciding on how the plan is to work, if at all.

Answer: the White House says the vulnerable "should" avoid people. An ambiguous word leaving plenty of room for abuse of power by state and local penny ante dictators.

Greenwald: Emergency powers rarely go away

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Covid lags far behind top killers
that have never shut down U.S.

As a killer of Americans, Covid lags far behind heart disease and cancer, according to CDC data.

Assuming that Covid has been highly active in the United States for about two and a half months (February, March and half of April), we can get a fairly good estimate of the total number of deaths to be expected in that period based on 2017 and 2018 figures.1 We get that by 2.5(2810000)/12 = 583000 for 2017 and 2.5(2840000)/12 = 592000 for 2018. Taking the average, we have 587,000 deaths as a very plausible number for a 2.5-month period.

The number of Covid deaths in America so far is 26,000. And 26,000/587000 is about 4.4 percent. That is, Covid is among the top killers of Americans, placing just ahead of flu/pneumonia with a 2 percent rate. The following percentages come from Medical News Today1, which gleaned them from the CDC's 2017 data.

Covid lags far behind heart disease, which accounts for 23.5 percent of deaths yearly in America, and cancer, which accounts for 21.3 percent. Accidental deaths, at 6 percent, outpace Covid. Also ranking ahead of Covid is chronic lower respiratory disease (COPD, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma) at 5.7%, and stroke and cerebrovascular disease at 5.2 percent.

Covid appears to nudge ahead of Alzheimer's, with its 4.3% rate. It also outpaces diabetes (3%), kidney disease (1.8%) and suicide (1.8%).

It is reasonable to believe that the Covid percentage is not exactly as calculated. But, there is no chance the actual percentage is anywhere near the percentage for the top  killers of Americans: heart disease and cancer.

So there is a serious question as to whether a disease that is far less of a killer than other causes of death ought to be viewed as a threat so menacing that society must be shut down. Society doesn't close down for any of the other top killers of Americans.
1. CDC: In 2018, a total of 2,839,205 resident deaths were registered in the United States—25,702 more deaths than in 2017.
2. Top causes of death in America

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Governor 'plans to make a plan'

This is addressed to all public officials who refuse to directly tell the people specifically what their plans are with regard to Covid-19. Not interested in coy evasions, half-truths, open-ended vacuities. Get down to brass tacks. Tell us what your plans are, point by point.

Do you want to slow the infection rate but tolerate a certain level of disease?
Or are you thinking you can eradicate the virus with longterm lockdowns?
Open up. Tell the people what you are trying to do!

Or are you simply afraid to ease restrictions because the press will sensationalize an uptick in Covid deaths?
The people have a right to know what your aim is. Spit it out!

Tune out Fauci. Relying on him for major decisions is insane. What does he know about the morbidity associated with economic downturns? Not much, obviously.

Tell the people: what is your plan, other than kick the can down the road!
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee just extended the stay-home order to month's end, saying he somehow expects to get the state economy going again in May, but he did not say how. Tennesseans will have to maintain social distancing until a vaccine is developed [in 12 to 18 months, if ever]. In other words, Lee is expecting a miracle. That's his plan.

"He plans to make a plan based on close coordination with healthcare professionals," according to one news report. Plans to make a plan? He doesn't even have a plan!!!

Shutdowns greatly worry epidemiologist

Stanford prof warns on media misinformation

Questions open-ended social distancing based on "unreliable" data. Explains why Italy's disaster should not be taken as a model for America. Warns that excessive controls could backfire, leading to billions of deaths [from famine and disease as economies break down].

U.S. Covid death rates appear to fall within routine ranges. Alarmist thinking is counterproductive.

Snowden warns on Covid tools of oppression
(full video)

Whistleblower sees big peril

Will governments ever give back their emergency pandemic powers?

Monday, April 13, 2020

Constitutional collision looms
as Dem governors defy Trump

Though interstate compacts are authorized by the Constitution, state rights stop short of violation of basic liberties. So governors who are banding together to extend state lockdowns may be headed for a collision course with President Trump, the Justice Department and federal troops.

If the Democratic governors of California, Oregon and Washington issue edicts restricting citizen movements in defiance of decisions by President Trump and his economic recovery task force, they may find themselves facing occupation by federal troops for violation of their citizens' liberties. The same goes for the governors of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware and Maryland.

All are Democrats except for Maryland's Larry Hogan. The scenario may seem surrealistic. But what is happening now is already surrealistic. Hence, no one should bet that Trump would never use the high card he holds.

After the Civil War, federal troops were sent back to the South in order to enforce the recently passed 14th Amendment. Though that Amendment was intended to cover freed slaves, it was deliberately written in broad language. States were henceforth prohibited from denying anyone basic liberties -- and that amendment has been used many times over to assure that the Bill of Rights is not thwarted within states.

The point here is not the surrealism of such an outcome. The point is that a precedent already exists for use of U.S. troops to enforce federal law and protect constitutional liberty. In fact, that precedent allowed President Dwight Eisenhower to send troops to Little Rock, Ark., to enforce public school desegregation and President John F. Kennedy to federalize the Mississippi National Guard to enforce the registration of James Meredith, an African American, at the University of Mississippi.

The Democrat governors in the Eastern alliance are Andrew Cuomo of New York, Ned Lamont of Connecticut, Phil Murphy of New Jersey, John Carney of Delaware, Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania and Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island and in the Western alliance are Kate Brown of Oregon and Jay Inslee of Washington.

The Eastern governors said today they would work together to plan for reopening the region’s economies, schools and other important elements. But if they work together in defiance of the Trump task force's recommendations, there well could be a collision.

In a news conference later, Cuomo conceded that Trump has the right to restart the economy, but said he would like to Trump to tell him the plan. He said Trump had permitted states to take the lead in Covid crisis management, but that Trump had power to change that "model."

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lengthy lockdowns won't work

Many people, including some mayors and governors, are overlooking something. The purpose of "flattening the curve" is not to reduce the number of infections.

As you know if you took calculus, the area under the flattened curve is presumably about the same as under a narrow, tall curve. The purpose of flattening the curve is to make sure that hospitals aren't swamped all at once to the point they have to push patients aside to die untreated.

We actually NEED 40 percent of the population to become infected so as to build up herd immunity, i.e., chances of the virus moving far is blocked by so many potential hosts already immunized.

We just can't handle that percentage happening in one big tsunami. So the longer we push back the inevitable by flattening the curve too much, the more we will still have to pay the piper down the road -- because herd immunity won't have been built up.

Last month New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo worried whether massive quarantine was such a good idea.

Cuomo worries about massive lockdown

N.Y. Times: Preventive medicine expert backs 'targeted' approach

PBS: Medical risk vs. economic pain

U.S. tied to bat virus test gone awry
as politicos call for 9/11-style probe

  • Many recall that the anthrax attacks
  • came from within the U.S. government
  • Army experts were denied tools for virus fight
  • Scientist says genome looks engineered
  • Backlash rises against 'mindless' authoritarianism
  • U.S. funded Chinese experiment on bat virus
Three California Democrats are formally proposing a 9/11-style commission to probe what they see as federal foot-dragging during a critical time-frame before the coronavirus problem erupted into a national crisis.

The three -- Rep. Adam Schiff and Senators Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris -- all have intelligence oversight responsibilities.

Though the 9/11 commission never did investigate an "inside job" scenario, the panel was appointed as a result of a tidal wave of suspicion that the intelligence system had set up the 9/11 attacks as part of a massive power grab. And, indeed, tax money began copiously flowing into the Dark Side after nearly a decade of post-Cold War retrenchment and belt-tightening.

But, the spook system nevertheless was forced to fight an intensive rearguard action against "conspiracy theorists."

Even now, the official system has been busy trying to put down conspiracy theories that link the Covid pandemic with U.S. bioweapons programs or with the massive increase in electromagnetic radiation associated with the government-approved 5g internet system.

Would such a panel look into the intelligence system to see whether an inside job occurred? Possibly, in that President Trump would likely appoint the chairperson and some of the commissioners. And everyone knows how he feels about the inside job pulled off by security system insiders to "get something on" Trump that could be used to oust him from the presidency.

Just today it was revealed that the "Russia witch hunt" group at the FBI and Justice Department were doing more than making a few understandable errors in their "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation of the Trump campaign. Redacted material showed that sources told them that material in the notorious Steele dossier was based in part on apparent Kremlin disinformation provided by Russian agents.

Schiff, Feinstein and Harris are all associated with intelligence oversight and may be expected to have information not available to others.

In any case, the situation suggests the possibility of a bipartisan clampdown on the intelligence-security system.

After Robert Mueller's FBI wrapped up the anthrax case, many Democrats expressed frustration and suspicion, though their efforts to reopen the matter were thwarted by President Barack Obama, who wanted the case off his agenda and out of his way.

Further embroiling matters is a conspiracy theory touted by leftist journalist Chris Hayes to the effect that a sinister group behind the scenes -- which he refers to as "They" -- is maneuvering to exploit the pandemic for political gain. Hayes's theory is on the same wavelength as the belief of a number of libertarian and alt-right activists that a cabal of left-leaning oligarchs is preparing to remold America into a globalist and socialist tyranny, using the emergency social controls as the "new norm" for a straitjacketed America.

Even well-known voices on the right are attacking authoritarian measures. Tucker Carlson of Fox News lit into "mindless" authoritarianism that he said is based on very little science. Carlson spotlighted Dr. Anthony Fauci, a White House Covid expert, speaking well of the idea of immunity identity cards and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer ordering store aisles cordoned off if they held what she construed as nonessential goods. The Texas libertarian Ron Paul has repeatedly warned that freedom is in peril as officials overreact to what he sees as inflated Covid numbers.

And the former congressman's libertarian son, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., Friday told Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear to “take a step back” after the governor warned residents that they would be forced to self-quarantine for 14 days if they attended an in-person Easter church service. “Taking license plates at church? Quarantining someone for being Christian on Easter Sunday? Someone needs to take a step back here,” the senator tweeted.

The left is similarly worried, as a headline from the socialist-backing OpEd News shows: Covid-19 is bringing us into a hyper-surveilled, highly policed fascist dystopia.

A scientist who writes for that periodical, Josh Mitteldorf, reports that the virus genome has
at least 4 gain-of-function mutations (if they are mutations) compared to the ancestor bat virus. Gain-of-function mutations are rare compared to loss-of-function, and usually the virus makes its leap when there is one gain-of-function. About a fourth of the genome looks nothing like a coronavirus, and must have arrived via genetic recombination. The recombined part bears a resemblance to HIV. Viral genome recombinations do occur in nature, but this one is particularly hard to explain, since HIV is a fragile virus that can't survive outside human blood. How would it get into a bat virus?

Covid has some pathological effects never before seen in a coronavirus, including attack on the GI tract and on artery walls. There are some reports that the virus's lethality comes from its attack on hemoglobin, the red blood molecule that carries oxygen around the body.
Mitteldorf echoed concerns that the virus actually came from a U.S. bioweapons facility, though others have strenuously put down this suspicion as Chinese propaganda. Mitteldorf is a physicist turned expert on aging.

[See article link in the sidebar.]

The laboratory at the center of scrutiny over the pandemic has been carrying out research on bats from the cave which scientists believe is the original source of the devastating outbreak.

Documents obtained by The Mail on Sunday show the Wuhan Institute of Virology undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan – funded by a $3.7 million grant from the U.S. government.

Sequencing of the Covid-19 genome has traced it to bats found in Yunnan's caves.

Many knowledgeable people were astonished to learn that a vital Army pathogens laboratory has only recently emerged from bureaucratic limbo to join the desperate fight against the Covid pandemic. Army scientists had been sidelined because bureaucrats were slow in lifting a shutdown of their lab, which months ago had been slapped with safety violations. Officials permitted a partial restart in November, but it took indignant pleas from Maryland politicians to get the lab going at full speed as the crisis worsened across America.

Last July the Army lab at Fort Detrick, Md., was ordered shut down after federal inspectors found major safety violations at the facility, which studies the world's deadliest pathogens, such as Ebola, anthrax and smallpox. The mission of military scientists is to develop defenses against bioweapons that might be unleashed by adversaries. The United States is a signatory to the treaty banning germ war weapons.

The lab reported that the shutdown was due to problems with wastewater decontamination, though the Centers for Disease Control declined to provide the reason for its shutdown order, citing national security.

In January, ABC7 News in Maryland reported on CDC documents outlining violations CDC inspectors discovered during several visits to the lab last year, some of which were labeled "serious."

Before the shutdown, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute  of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) had announced an experiment that would involve infecting rhesus macaque monkeys with active Ebola virus to test a cure researchers were developing.

Several of the laboratory violations the CDC noted in 2019 concerned "non-human primates" infected with a "select agent." The pathogen's identity was redacted in all documents obtained by ABC7 on ground that disclosing the identity and location of the agent would endanger public health or safety.

Select agents are defined by the CDC as “biological agents and toxins that have been determined to have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety, to animal and plant health, or to animal or plant products.”

Here are some of the violations the CDC observed during inspections of Fort Detrick:


Severity level: Serious

The CDC reported that an individual partially entered a room multiple times without the required respiratory protection while other people in that room were performing procedures with a non-human primate on a necropsy table.

“This deviation from entity procedures resulted in a respiratory occupational exposure to select agent aerosols,” the CDC wrote.


Severity level: Serious

The CDC reported that the lab did not ensure that employe training was properly verified when it came to toxins and select agents.

“These failures were recognized through video review of laboratorians’ working in BSL3 and ABSL3 labs,” the report said. “[These] indicate the [lab]’s means used to verify personnel understood the training had not been effective, leading to increased risk of occupational exposures.”

The CDC went on to specify that a laboratory worker who was not wearing appropriate respiratory protection was seen multiple times “partially entering” a room where non-human primates that were infected with [redacted] were “housed in open caging.” They also observed a lab worker disposing of waste in a biohazardous waste bin without gloves on.


Severity level: Moderate

In this violation observation, the CDC went into more detail on the incident of the worker not wearing gloves while disposing of biohazardous waste, writing that “biosafety and containment procedures must be sufficient to contain the select agent or toxin.”

The corrective action they recommended was to confirm that relevant personnel have been trained to wear gloves to prevent exposure to hazardous materials.


Severity level: Serious

In this observation, the CDC notes that the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases had “systematically failed to ensure implementation of biosafety and containment procedures commensurate with the risks associated with working with select agents and toxins.”

The violation specifically observed involved “entity personnel [...] propping open” a door while removing “large amounts of biohazardous waste” from an adjacent room, “[increasing] the risk of contaminated air from [the room] escaping and being drawn into the [redacted]” where the people working “typically do not wear respiratory protection.”


Severity level: Moderate

The CDC reported that the laboratory failed to safeguard against unauthorized access to select against. They wrote that personal protective equipment worn while decontaminating something contaminated by a select agent had been stored in open biohazard bags, in an area of the facility that the CDC has redacted for security reasons.

“By storing regulated waste in this area, the entity did not limit access to those with access approval,” they wrote.


Severity level: Moderate

The CDC reports that someone at the lab did not maintain an accurate or current inventory for a toxin.


Severity level: Low

The CDC reports that a building at the Fort Detrick laboratory didn’t have a “sealed surface to facilitate cleaning and decontamination.” This included cracks around a conduit box, cracks in the ceiling, and a crack in the seam above a biological safety cabinet.

Lil ole me has decided to extend martial law

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Knoxville Mayor Indya Kincannon said she expects to extend her safer-at-home order beyond April 14 and has urged Gov. Bill Lee to do the same before his order expires next week.

Kincannon said in a Facebook chat Thursday that positive cases continue to rise. Until they start consistently going down, she said, it's best for everyone to continue remaining at home as much as they can.
A few comments:
Safer at home is a euphemism for a martial law order. Kincannon, like many mayors across the country, assumed arbitrary power in the name of the health emergency. But each state has a constitution and in most states, mayors do not have power to declare and maintain martial law. That authority normally resides with the state governor alone, though in the past mayors have on rare occasion usurped that power.

I do not know whether Kincannon acted outside the law when she declared a lockdown in advance of the governor's order. But her plan to continue the lockdown comes with, currently, 28 active Covid cases in Knox County. So numbers in Knox are not rising at all. She is evidently referring to national or regional figures.

That is, there is no health emergency in Knox. Kincannon is acting unilaterally to deprive people of their livelihoods on the basis of what she thinks might happen. I doubt this is her call. The governor is the one who definitely can use emergency power. But, wise leaders realize that maintaining indefinite emergency lockdowns is asking for trouble. Yet all too many public officials do not seem to realize that casualties from lockdowns can be as severe or more severe than casualties from a contagious disease.

I realize that, to many, the first half of the 20th century is history, but no one then thought of shutting down the economy on account of the deadly and recurrent polio pandemic. People realized that it was necessary to cope with it, awful as it was.

Kincannon's approach has a certain maternalistic aura about it. But nanny-state politics do not suit America.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Federal judge KO's ban on church services
as Justice Dept. signals that action is likely

State justices back Kansas governor's edict barring Easter worship

A federal judge today blocked the mayor of Louisville, Ky., from enforcing his ban on drive-in church services on Easter, calling it unconstitutional. Mayor Greg Fischer had threatened to track license plates and fine anyone who attends a public ceremony.

“An American mayor criminalized the communal celebration of Easter,” U.S. District Judge Justin Walker wrote while issuing a temporary restraining order. “That sentence is one that this Court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel, or perhaps the pages of The Onion.

”The Mayor’s decision is stunning. And it is, ‘beyond all reason,’ unconstitutional,” the judge added.

And, according to Just the News, the Justice Department signaled tonight that it may intervene against local governments that are cracking down on religious ceremonies during the pandemic, warning that action could come as early as next week.

A Justice Department spokeswoman, Kerri Kupec, tweeted on the eve of Easter to announce that Attorney General William Barr is monitoring efforts to stop Easter religious ceremonies.

“During this sacred week for many Americans, AG Barr is monitoring govt regulation of religious services,” Kupec tweeted. “While social distancing policies are appropriate during this emergency, they must be applied evenhandedly & not single out religious orgs. Expect action from DOJ next week!”

The statement comes as numerous municipalities across the country have been reportedly taking actions to stop churchgoers from celebrating Easter together.

Though state justices in Kansas today upheld Gov. Laura Kelly's ban on church gatherings of more than 10 worshipers, the federal Justice Department could intervene under the 14th Amendment, which forbids any state from suppressing "unalienable rights," such as freedom of speech, worship and assembly.

A group of Republican lawmakers had challenged the Democrat governor's edict.

The New York metropolitan region's Covid outbreak was fanned when a single infected man attended a packed synagogue service in New Rochelle. But that was not a drive-in service.
Most information for this post comes from Just the News

Friday, April 10, 2020

Top Dems hint at CIA inside job
with call for Covid commission

  • Many recall that the anthrax attacks
  • came from within the U.S. government
  • Army experts were denied tools for virus fight
  • Scientist says genome looks engineered
  • Backlash rises against 'mindless' authoritarianism
  • U.S. funded Chinese experiment on bat virus
Three California Democrats are formally proposing a 9/11-style commission to probe what they see as federal foot-dragging during a critical time-frame before the coronavirus problem erupted into a national crisis.

The three -- Rep. Adam Schiff and Senators Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris -- all have intelligence oversight responsibilities.

Though the 9/11 commission never did investigate an "inside job" scenario, the panel was appointed as a result of a tidal wave of suspicion that the intelligence system had set up the 9/11 attacks as part of a massive power grab. And, indeed, tax money began copiously flowing into the Dark Side after nearly a decade of post-Cold War retrenchment and belt-tightening.

But, the spook system nevertheless was forced to fight an intensive rearguard action against "conspiracy theorists."

Even now, the official system has been busy trying to put down conspiracy theories that link the Covid pandemic with U.S. bioweapons programs or with the massive increase in electromagnetic radiation associated with the government-approved 5g internet system.

Would such a panel look into the intelligence system to see whether an inside job occurred? Possibly, in that President Trump would likely appoint the chairperson and some of the commissioners. And everyone knows how he feels about the inside job pulled off by security system insiders to "get something on" Trump that could be used to oust him from the presidency.

Just today it was revealed that the "Russia witch hunt" group at the FBI and Justice Department were doing more than making a few understandable errors in their "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation of the Trump campaign. Redacted material showed that sources told them that material in the notorious Steele dossier was based in part on apparent Kremlin disinformation provided by Russian agents.

Schiff, Feinstein and Harris are all associated with intelligence oversight and may be expected to have information not available to others.

In any case, the situation suggests the possibility of a bipartisan clampdown on the intelligence-security system.

After Robert Mueller's FBI wrapped up the anthrax case, many Democrats expressed frustration and suspicion, though their efforts to reopen the matter were thwarted by President Barack Obama, who wanted the case off his agenda and out of his way.

Further embroiling matters is a conspiracy theory touted by leftist journalist Chris Hayes to the effect that a sinister group behind the scenes -- which he refers to as "They" -- is maneuvering to exploit the pandemic for political gain. Hayes's theory is on the same wavelength as the belief of a number of libertarian and alt-right activists that a cabal of left-leaning oligarchs is preparing to remold America into a globalist and socialist tyranny, using the emergency social controls as the "new norm" for a straitjacketed America.

Even well-known voices on the right are attacking authoritarian measures. Tucker Carlson of Fox News lit into "mindless" authoritarianism that he said is based on very little science. Carlson spotlighted Dr. Anthony Fauci, a White House Covid expert, speaking well of the idea of immunity identity cards and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer ordering store aisles cordoned off if they held what she construed as nonessential goods. The Texas libertarian Ron Paul has repeatedly warned that freedom is in peril as officials overreact to what he sees as inflated Covid numbers.

And the former congressman's libertarian son, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., Friday told Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear to “take a step back” after the governor warned residents that they would be forced to self-quarantine for 14 days if they attended an in-person Easter church service. “Taking license plates at church? Quarantining someone for being Christian on Easter Sunday? Someone needs to take a step back here,” the senator tweeted.

The left is similarly worried, as a headline from the socialist-backing OpEd News shows: Covid-19 is bringing us into a hyper-surveilled, highly policed fascist dystopia.

A scientist who writes for that periodical, Josh Mitteldorf, reports that the virus genome has
at least 4 gain-of-function mutations (if they are mutations) compared to the ancestor bat virus. Gain-of-function mutations are rare compared to loss-of-function, and usually the virus makes its leap when there is one gain-of-function. About a fourth of the genome looks nothing like a coronavirus, and must have arrived via genetic recombination. The recombined part bears a resemblance to HIV. Viral genome recombinations do occur in nature, but this one is particularly hard to explain, since HIV is a fragile virus that can't survive outside human blood. How would it get into a bat virus?

Covid has some pathological effects never before seen in a coronavirus, including attack on the GI tract and on artery walls. There are some reports that the virus's lethality comes from its attack on hemoglobin, the red blood molecule that carries oxygen around the body.
Mitteldorf echoed concerns that the virus actually came from a U.S. bioweapons facility, though others have strenuously put down this suspicion as Chinese propaganda. Mitteldorf is a physicist turned expert on aging.

[See article link in the sidebar.]

The laboratory at the center of scrutiny over the pandemic has been carrying out research on bats from the cave which scientists believe is the original source of the devastating outbreak.

Documents obtained by The Mail on Sunday show the Wuhan Institute of Virology undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan – funded by a $3.7 million grant from the U.S. government.

Sequencing of the Covid-19 genome has traced it to bats found in Yunnan's caves.
Many knowledgeable people were astonished to learn that a vital Army pathogens laboratory has only recently emerged from bureaucratic limbo to join the desperate fight against the Covid pandemic. Army scientists had been sidelined because bureaucrats were slow in lifting a shutdown of their lab, which months ago had been slapped with safety violations. Officials permitted a partial restart in November, but it took indignant pleas from Maryland politicians to get the lab going at full speed as the crisis worsened across America.

Last July the Army lab at Fort Detrick, Md., was ordered shut down after federal inspectors found major safety violations at the facility, which studies the world's deadliest pathogens, such as Ebola, anthrax and smallpox. The mission of military scientists is to develop defenses against bioweapons that might be unleashed by adversaries. The United States is a signatory to the treaty banning germ war weapons.

The lab reported that the shutdown was due to problems with wastewater decontamination, though the Centers for Disease Control declined to provide the reason for its shutdown order, citing national security.

In January, ABC7 News in Maryland reported on CDC documents outlining violations CDC inspectors discovered during several visits to the lab last year, some of which were labeled "serious."

Before the shutdown, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute  of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) had announced an experiment that would involve infecting rhesus macaque monkeys with active Ebola virus to test a cure researchers were developing.

Several of the laboratory violations the CDC noted in 2019 concerned "non-human primates" infected with a "select agent." The pathogen's identity was redacted in all documents obtained by ABC7 on ground that disclosing the identity and location of the agent would endanger public health or safety.

Select agents are defined by the CDC as “biological agents and toxins that have been determined to have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety, to animal and plant health, or to animal or plant products.”

Here are some of the violations the CDC observed during inspections of Fort Detrick:


Severity level: Serious

The CDC reported that an individual partially entered a room multiple times without the required respiratory protection while other people in that room were performing procedures with a non-human primate on a necropsy table.

“This deviation from entity procedures resulted in a respiratory occupational exposure to select agent aerosols,” the CDC wrote.


Severity level: Serious

The CDC reported that the lab did not ensure that employe training was properly verified when it came to toxins and select agents.

“These failures were recognized through video review of laboratorians’ working in BSL3 and ABSL3 labs,” the report said. “[These] indicate the [lab]’s means used to verify personnel understood the training had not been effective, leading to increased risk of occupational exposures.”

The CDC went on to specify that a laboratory worker who was not wearing appropriate respiratory protection was seen multiple times “partially entering” a room where non-human primates that were infected with [redacted] were “housed in open caging.” They also observed a lab worker disposing of waste in a biohazardous waste bin without gloves on.


Severity level: Moderate

In this violation observation, the CDC went into more detail on the incident of the worker not wearing gloves while disposing of biohazardous waste, writing that “biosafety and containment procedures must be sufficient to contain the select agent or toxin.”

The corrective action they recommended was to confirm that relevant personnel have been trained to wear gloves to prevent exposure to hazardous materials.


Severity level: Serious

In this observation, the CDC notes that the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases had “systematically failed to ensure implementation of biosafety and containment procedures commensurate with the risks associated with working with select agents and toxins.”

The violation specifically observed involved “entity personnel [...] propping open” a door while removing “large amounts of biohazardous waste” from an adjacent room, “[increasing] the risk of contaminated air from [the room] escaping and being drawn into the [redacted]” where the people working “typically do not wear respiratory protection.”


Severity level: Moderate

The CDC reported that the laboratory failed to safeguard against unauthorized access to select against. They wrote that personal protective equipment worn while decontaminating something contaminated by a select agent had been stored in open biohazard bags, in an area of the facility that the CDC has redacted for security reasons.

“By storing regulated waste in this area, the entity did not limit access to those with access approval,” they wrote.


Severity level: Moderate

The CDC reports that someone at the lab did not maintain an accurate or current inventory for a toxin.


Severity level: Low

The CDC reports that a building at the Fort Detrick laboratory didn’t have a “sealed surface to facilitate cleaning and decontamination.” This included cracks around a conduit box, cracks in the ceiling, and a crack in the seam above a biological safety cabinet.

My curbstone opinion:
Malaria drug study looks like a letdown

A French study on hydroxychloroquine is being followed by Dr. Mehmet Oz, the television personality and cardiologist based at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City.

The study is considered non-scientific because the French physicians regard it as unethical to randomly withhold the treatment from Covid patients.

What I notice is that, though not many patients went to the ICU, of those who did, it appears that 50 percent died. The death rate based on patients in the study stands at less than one-half of one percent. Somewhat less than one percent of patients either died or required 10 or more days in hospital. These figures seem to roughly accord with what is in general known about Covid numbers, possibly implying that the drug is no better than others that are being used elsewhere.

In a related matter, Oz told viewers that the study was useful because it correlates certain blood pressure medicines with heightened risk of a serious case of Covid. The medicines help the virus gain entry into human cells, he said.

From Oz's website:
UPDATED: April 10, 2020 - 10:00 a.m. EST — Preliminary results are in from Dr. Didier Raoult's continued study of treating Covid-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. This study was performed on 1,061 patients that were treated early on in their diagnosis.
¶ 92% of patients had excellent outcomes.
¶ 4% of patients had a persistent virus past 10 days.
¶ 4% of patients had a poor outcome. This was defined as being in the hospital for more than 10 days.
¶ 10 patients total had to go to the ICU for care.
¶ 5 patients total died.
Dr. Raoult's Takeaways:
¶ Found this treatment to be safe with no side effects.
¶ Found the amount of hydroxychloroquine in a patient's blood correlated with his or her outcome. Therefore, people may absorb the medication differently.
¶ Found some blood pressure medication correlated with poor outcomes. More investigation needs to be done.
¶ While there is no control study for comparison, these initial results seem promising so far.
¶ The NIH is about to start a trial with 500 people.
Read the study documents here:
Oz's site adds a
Disclaimer: This medication regimen is still being studied. Do not take these medications without the guidance of a doctor.

Chynna died away from recovery meeting

Young rap star was locked up at home in Philadelphia

I don't know whether she was a member of Narcotics Anonymous or some other 12-step society. But it cannot be a good thing that recovering addicts and alcoholics cannot easily get to the meetings that provide the human support and love that they so desperately need. The NA idea of "hugs not drugs" has been thrown under the bus. But that warm, human contact is just what so many recovering addicts need.

Locking them up at home, away from their fellow recovering addicts may well be a death sentence for many of them. Sure, they can do face time and Zoom, and other computerized "meetings." But quite a few of them just plain need those meetings. It is a matter of life or death.

Here is yet another reason to beware too much lockdown fervor on the part of governors and mayors.

Drug OD killed rap star Chynna

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Fight link rot

Concerned that some post or page from the Invisible Man will go the way of all links? Take a snapshot with The Wayback Machine, an archiving service.

I have the app, the Official Wayback Machine Extension, in my Chrome browser bar. That site has proved handy a number of times when pages that had bitten the dust were revived by the service.

Wayback Machine

I plan to take Wayback screenshots of pages on some of my other sites (see sidebar) when I am out of sorts and have nothing better to do. But, rather than wait for me, feel free to copy my (or anybody's) pages.

Here is an example of an archived page:

Wayback Machine snapshot of Invisible Man post

Note that the Wayback url contains the url of the original page. Even so, I recommend that you keep somewhere handy a list of Wayback url's to the pages you've mirrored.

I realize most of you are neither academics nor journalists, but it may still prove useful to be able to refer readers to pages that stand some chance of being around for a while.

N.Y. doc cites 99.9% success using malaria drug, zinc

Barring these drugs to Covid-fighters is a 'war crime'

In an open letter to medical professionals across the globe, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said
The rationale for my treatment plan is as follows. I combined the data available from China and South Korea with the recent study published from France (sites available on request). We know that hydroxychloroquine helps Zinc enter the cell. We know that Zinc slows viral replication within the cell. Regarding the use of azithromycin, I postulate it prevents secondary bacterial infections. These three drugs are well known and usually well tolerated, hence the risk to the patient is low.
The New York Times has derided Zelenko as one who "touts" the drug combo, thus making him a darling of the right-wing.

Zelenko's resume says that he was graduated from the University at Buffalo State University of New York School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in 2000. Zelenko works in Monroe, N.Y. and specializes in family medicine and is affiliated with Lenox Hill Hospital.

He works with many people from Kiryas Joel, a Hasidic Jewish settlement near Monroe. That association may help explain the Times's antipathy to Zelenko. Many orthodox Jews are highly supportive of President Trump because of his Israel policies.

One patient who did not follow Zelenko's orders died, according to Zelenko. The remainder of the 900 recovered. In a video, Zelenko said officials who are barring hydroxychloroquine to Covid fighters are committing a "war crime."

TechStartUps reports
Correspondence from Dr Vladimir Zelenko on Treatment of COVID-19 in New York:
Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko
Board Certified Family Practitioner
501 Rt 208, Monroe, NY 10950
March 23, 2020

To all medical professionals around the world:

My name is Dr. Zev Zelenko and I practice medicine in Monroe, NY. For the last 16 years, I have cared for approximately 75% of the adult population of Kiryas Joel, which is a very close knit community of approximately 35,000 people in which the infection spread rapidly and unchecked prior to the imposition of social distancing.

As of today my team has tested approximately 200 people from this community for Covid-19, and 65% of the results have been positive. If extrapolated to the entire community, that means more than 20,000 people are infected at the present time. Of this group, I estimate that there are 1500 patients who are in the high-risk category (i.e. >60, immunocompromised, comorbidities, etc).

Given the urgency of the situation, I developed the following treatment protocol in the pre-hospital setting and have seen only positive results:
1.  Any patient with shortness of breath regardless of age is treated.
2.  Any patient in the high-risk category even with just mild symptoms is treated.
3.  Young, healthy and low risk patients even with symptoms are not treated (unless their circumstances change and they fall into category 1 or 2).
My out-patient treatment regimen is as follows:
1.  Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days
2.  Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days
3.  Zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for 5 days
The rationale for my treatment plan is as follows. I combined the data available from China and South Korea with the recent study published from France (sites available on request). We know that hydroxychloroquine helps Zinc enter the cell. We know that Zinc slows viral replication within the cell. Regarding the use of azithromycin, I postulate it prevents secondary bacterial infections. These three drugs are well known and usually well tolerated, hence the risk to the patient is low.

Since last Thursday, my team has treated approximately 350 patients in Kiryas Joel and another 150 patients in other areas of New York with the above regimen.

Of this group and the information provided to me by affiliated medical teams, we have had ZERO deaths, ZERO hospitalizations, and ZERO intubations. In addition, I have not heard of any negative side effects other than approximately 10% of patients with temporary nausea and diarrhea.

In sum, my urgent recommendation is to initiate treatment in the outpatient setting as soon as possible in accordance with the above. Based on my direct experience, it prevents acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), prevents the need for hospitalization and saves lives.

With much respect,
Dr. Zev Zelenko
cc: President Donald J. Trump; Mr. Mark Meadows, Chief of Staff

Encryption pioneer pushes 'back-to-work' plan

Privacy-guarding Covid tracker would alert the exposed rapidly

Fast Company's report on MIT plan

Encryption pioneer honored for his work

A computerized contact tracing system advocated by a team led by an encryption pioneer may help authorities ease social-distancing guidelines by tending to quickly isolate the contacts of infected persons, thus halting spread of the disease.

From Fast Company
Instead of relying on GPS-based location data extracted from millions of people’s cellphones, MIT researchers have built a system that uses random identifiers transmitted via Bluetooth—the same technology that you use to connect your smartphone to your headphones. Bluetooth signals also have another benefit: They’re just more accurate than GPS, which often doesn’t function inside buildings.

“Instead of an eye in the sky that watches everybody, we want to have the phones that people are carrying around tell how close they’ve been to other people,” says Ronald L. Rivest, a professor at MIT Institute and the project’s principal investigator.

Rivest’s team has designed a system, called Private Automated Contact Tracing (PACT), where your phone would constantly emit a random string of numbers, like an anonymous ID, via Bluetooth signal. Your phone would also keep a running list of any Bluetooth signals and their associated numbers that it detects within a certain set of parameters—such as within 6 or 7 feet, for a duration of 10 minutes or more.

When people test positive for the virus, a public health official would give them a QR code to scan in the app, which would trigger the upload of their entire Bluetooth ID log to the cloud. Then, anyone who has the app on their phone would receive a notification if they happened to be in close contact with the infected person—which could encourage them to enter into self-quarantine.

NEWS of the WORLD launched

The Invisible Man is being folded into the new site, NEWS of the WORLD, which has begun operation. Though this Invisible Man site is ce...